Tomcat's Chinese issue of Java solution

xiaoxiao2021-03-06  40

There are people outside people, there are mountains outside. I am so stupid, I really know the Chinese problem of Tomcat 5 using the Filter, but I didn't expect to solve the revice.GetParameter () "?" Program is actually modifying conf / server.xml, put This line plus Uriencoding turns a better blog that I have seen in Tomcat Chinese issues, the narrative is clear, and the solution is unique. Http:// Java Chinese problem solutions MySQL, Oracle, Servlet, JSP copyright statement: 9CBS is this BLOG managed service provider. If this paper involves copyright issues, 9CBS does not assume relevant responsibilities, please contact the copyright owner directly with the article Author. The method of the previous handling Tomcat4 is found in Tomcat5 cannot be applied to the request directly through the URL, and the information is found to find the most perfect solution. It doesn't have to be converted every place, and it is normal from GET, and POST. Write a document, posted, I hope that people with the same problem are no longer like I am just like me. I have a problem. I have a problem with the file, I have to post it, it is ugly :-) -------------------------------------------- --------- Tomcat 5 Chinese problem author: ------------------- Problem Description: 1 Form Submitted data, with request The string returned by .GetParameter ("xxx") is garbled or? ? 2 Directly via URL such as http: ///localhost/a.jsp? Name = China, such GET requests are garbled when using Request. GetParameter ("name"); Press Tomcat4 to set Filter Or use Request.setCharacterencoding ("GBK"); no matter how this: 1 Tomcat's J2EE implementation, the process parameters submitted to the form of the POST mode prompt to process the request for the 2 Tomcat to the GET method. When the Query-String is handled, the POST method is different. (Different from Tomcat4, set the setcharacterenceeEncoding ("GBK"). Solution: First all JSP files are plus: <% @ page contentType = "text / html; charset = GB2312"%> 1 Implement a filter. Set the processing character set to GBK. (There is a complete example in Tomcat's WebApps / Servlet-Examples directory. Please refer to Web.xml and setcharacterencodingfilter configuration.) 1) Just install the% Tomcat installation directory% / WebApps / servlets-example / web-inf / class / filters The /SetCharacterencodingFilter.class file is copied to your webapp directory / filters, if there is no Filters directory, create one.

2) Join the following lines in your web.xml: set character encoding filters.setcharacterencodingfilter Encoding gbk set character encoding / * 3) Complete. 2 GET mode solution 1) Open Tomcat's server.xml file, find blocks, join the following line: URIEncoding = "GBK" complete shall be as follows: 2) Restart Tomcat, everything OK.

Performing the following JSP page page test successfully <% @ Page ContentType = "Text / HTML; Charset = GB2312"%> <% @ page import = "java.util. *"%> <% String q = request.getParameter (" Q "); Q = Q == NULL?" No value ": q;%> News list Show </ title> <meta http-equiv = content-type content =" text / HTML; Charset = GB2312 "> <meta http-equiv = prgma content = no-cache> <body> you submitted: <% = q%> <br> <form action =" tcnchar.jsp "method =" post " > Chinese input: <input type = "text" name = "q"> <input type = "submit" value = "OK"> <br> <a get by way href="tcnchar.jsp?q=中国"> Submit </a> </ form> </ body> </ html> test result If you enter a text box or point chain, you will display: You submit "China", explain the success !!!!! Special thanks below Post, help me solve Chinese problems. Finally, I wish you all good luck !!! Reference Website: java Chinese issues have been plaguing many learners. Summarize some of the following situations. I hope everyone has to help. 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