Structured activities specify the order of a set of activities. Structured activities describe how the business process is created by integrating basic activities performed by business processes into the structure, which express the processing of control mode, data stream, fault, and external events involved in the business protocol and during the process. The coordination of message exchange is performed between examples.
The activity contains one or more order executive activities. The activity is performed in the order in which they appear in the element. When the last activity in has been completed, the activity itself is completed.
The role of activity is similar to the Switch structure that appears in many traditional programming languages. There is a sequence list that is defined by the element, followed by one or more conditional branches, followed by an optional element. Each branch specifies a Boolean XPath expression, and the order of the condition (the logic used by the evaluation value of the conditional expression) is used in the order of the expression, which is used in the general expression described above. The logic of formula is almost identical). The first Boolean expression value is a matter of the true element will be performed. If there is no element of the element, the sub-activity of the element is executed. If you do not specify the element, there will be an implied containing a activity. When the selected branch is completed, the activity is completed.
Event Repeat its sub-activity until the value obtained for the specified Boolean condition is no longer true. The condition is evaluated as an XPath expression.
The activity contains a set of event handler. Each handler contains an activity, the handler runs when the Pick has started and the handler is waiting. The handler includes alert handler, alert handler specifies a duration or deadline, and a message handler (OnMessage), a message handler waits for a message from a particular partner, PortType, and a three-rating. The message handler can create a process instance in the same way as Receive, which describes this method (using the CREATEINSTANCE attribute) with the part of the flow lifecycle. Only the first event handler to receive its event will run, once the activity is completed, will be completed.
Activity is a fault handling function and a compensation processing feature that is nested in it. The scope will be described in more detail in the articles about fault handling and compensation.
The structure provides the ability to run activities in parallel, and also provides the ability to define the protective link. It can contain any number of activities. After the stream is started, all activities in this stream are ready for operation, unless these activities have incoming links that have not yet obtained. A set of links defined a set of links, these links source activity and target activities must be nestled in this stream.