Original: http://www.51js.com/viewthread.php?fpage=2&tid=4753index.htm< !DOCTYPE HTML PUBLIC "- // W3C // DTD HTML 4.0 Transitional ///>
Similar to the drop-down list of the IE address bar: Enter Submit, Dynamic Tips Title> Similar to the drop-down list of the IE address bar: Enter Submit, dynamic prompts XML: Namespace prefix = "axteam" /> Import namespace = "axteam" Implementation = "comboBox.htc" />
Snowfird axteam: option> http://www.51.net axteam: option> http://9cbs.net axteam: option > Snow Ice Day axteam: option> file: // c: axteam: option> C: / WinNT AXTEAM: OPTION>
AXTeam: ComboBox> BODY> HTML> ComboBox.htc // Author: gem //Mail:junminliu@msn.com// Date: 2003-01-16