Here is the common SQL for SQL Server and Access Operating Database Structure, I hope to help you.
The content is organized by Huaba. Please ask if it is incorrect and incomplete. Thank you.
New Table:
Create Table [Name]
[Automatic Number Field] Int IdnessTies (1,1) Primary Key,
[Field 1] NVARCHAR (50) Default 'default value' null,
[Field 2] NTEXT NULL,
[Field 3] DateTime,
[Field 4] Money Null,
[Field 5] Int default 0,
[Field 6] DECIMAL (12, 4) Default 0,
[Field 7] Image Null,
Delete the table:
Insert data:
INSERT INTO [Table] (Field 1, Field 2) VALUES (100, '')
delete data:
Delete from [Name] Where [Field Name]> 100
update data:
Update [Table Name] Set [Field 1] = 200, [Field 2] = '' Where [Field 3] = 'Haiwa'
New field:
Alter Table [Name] Add [Field Name] NVARCHAR (50) NULL
Delete fields:
ALTER TABLE [Name] DROP Column [Field Name]
Modify the field:
Alter Table [Name] ALTER Column [Field Name] NVARCHAR (50) NULL
Rename table: (Access Rename, please refer to article: Rename table in Access database)
Sp_rename 'table name,' new table name, 'Object'
New constraints:
ALTER TABLE [Table Name] Add constraint constraints Check ([constraint field] <= '2000-1-1')
Delete constraint:
ALTER TABLE [Table Name] DROP Constraint Constraint Name
New default value
ALTER TABLE [Table Name] Add constraint default name default '' for [field name]
Delete the default
ALTER TABLE [Table] DROP Constraint Default Name