***** View technology

zhaozj2021-02-11  188

The password of the Windows system is very fragile, because all passwords are entered, it is very safe to see this, because the average person does not understand what is ******, but In fact, it is easy to see the content under *******, the working principle is as follows: Windows is a window-based message-driven job system, each window has its own properties, where the attribute of the password window is ES_PASSWORD, so we can use the enumeration of the sub-window ENUMCHILDWINDOWS to find out all the subsets in the system, check their properties getWindowlong, if es_password is a password window, then use SendMessage () to get the window title, that is, ***** * The real content under * ==================================================================================================================================================================================================================================================================00 Var hcount: integer; // This is a window response function, pay attention: Result: = true is important, because only this can continue to scan all sub-window Function LpenumFunc (hwnd: integer; uint: integer): boolean; stdcall; var hw , HS, Wlong: INTEGER; SBUF, SB2: Array [0..256] of char; sb1: string; begin // Get window properties Wlong: = getWindowlong (hwnd, gwl_style); // If the attribute is ES_PASSWORD Password window IF (Wlong and ES_PASSWORD) <> 0 THEN BEGIN INC (hWND, HWND, WM_GETTEXT, 40, Integer (@sbuf)); // Set the password StrPCopy (SBUF) , format ('[password% d] =% s', [hcount, sbuf])); // Displays the password end; // RESULT continues to scan the next sub-window RESULT: = true; end; begin LP: = 0; hcount: = 0; // enumerate child windows, GetDesktopWindow to handle EnumChildWindows (GetDesktopWindow, @ lpEnumFunc, lp) get desktop; end // Author: Jian-Hua Ni Copyright (C) 2001-6-27 Allright Reserved. .


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