I bought the JBuild2005 disc. After installation, according to the installation instructions in the disc. After the TXT installation is complete, then copy the shock.jar file under the "New Folder" directory on the CD1 to your installation directory, on the copy CD1 " 2 files under the licensed.src directory Under your installation directory. Copy the "New Folder" and "licensed.src" directory, respectively (a total of 3) to the "bin" directory in your installation directory. And "JDK1.4" directory! Then switch to "command prompt" (start - program - attachment - command prompt), enter your installation directory, for example: you installed in E: / borland / jbuilder2005 The directory is entered at the command prompt: CD E: / borland / jbuilder2005 Enter E: Enter this time, the command prompt becomes E: / borland / jbuilder2005> (in short, to put the current command prompt The current directory can make your installation directory!) Then enter: java -jar bin / shock.jar, enter, you can appear: Shock Presents jbuilder 2005 EnterpriseEnjoy Another Quality Product from Shock Congratulations, you Successfully crackd from JB2005! // Note Yes, your Java Path wants to set it!