Now, with the popularity of computer application knowledge, I think many friends have many experiences and experiences for the modification of the Windows registry. In the graphical interface, the maintenance and modification of the registry is not necessary, but sometimes, we may encounter a more spicy hand, if the human error is handled or the malignant virus is infected, the system is cut down, can not enter When do we have this way to reinstall this? This article will be elaborated as much as possible in DOS. First, use scanreg / restore I think this method is more familiar, as long as you enter this command under the DOS interface, you can recover in the nearest 5 registry backup. If you are lucky, the system can recover immediately. But in fact, there is a fattened defect with this method is that you can choose only the last 5 days of registry backup. Because scanreg.exe that controls the automatic backup will only be backed up for the first time the computer will start the computer, if you installed the program or more modifications to the registry, then your efforts are mostly white. This method is just like a eyebrow beard, it will be changed together, whether it can help the recovery system, there is always a feeling of listening to life. Therefore, the author encourages you to use the second method. Second, use the DOS interface regedit.exe If the scanreg / restore is used as a knife, this method is more like a high surgery, only a sympathetic to disease, and does not affect the registry. Other health parts. In this way, we can keep our work in maximum. The idea that uses regedit.exe to implement local modification to the registry is: First, export the suspicion of branches in the registry; then, use Edit to analyze and modify it; finally, re-import the health branch into the registry. Ok, let's take a look at the specific operation of the whole process. 1 Export Registry Branch The command format of the registry branch in DOS is: regedit [/ l: system] [/ r: user] / e filename [regpath1]. / L: System is the path to specify system.dat, / r: user is the path to the user.dat, if not, the system will find the default path; / E: is the file name that exports the registry branch, RegPath1 is the registry branch to be exported. For example, we have to export the default registry for the branch of the control system startup to Test.reg, command as follows: regedit / e Test.reg HKEY-local-machine / software / microsoft / windows / currentversion / run. 2 Analysis of the registry, modifying the * .reg file as soon as you run Edit under DOS, because the registry we exported is actually a text file. However, to find out where the wrong place is caused and modified, we need our usual experience to accumulate the registry. Below, let's take a look at its basic structure so that we can be targeted when we modified it. We know, there are 6 main branches in the registry, which is easy to cause fatal errors, which make Windows can't start normally: [HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE], record the hardware configuration of the local machine, and the corresponding software installed, especially [HKEY-LOCAL] -Machine / enum / pci] This branch is the primary key value, once the error, Windows often cannot start.
Such as [HKEY-local-machine / enum / pci / ven_8086 & dev-7111 & subs "_00000000 & "01 / bus_00 & dev_07 & func-01] records the details of the hard disk controller, the following logconfig records its various parameters; [HKEY_LOCAL-MACHINE / ENUM / PCI / VEN-1002 & DEV-4C42 & SUBSYS_4C421071 & Rev-DC / 000800] The record is important information and parameters of the display card. Once the error here, it often causes Windows to start when the Windows is started, and then dead. There is also the information of the current version of Windows when [HKEY-m ACHINE / CURRENTVERSION] records the current version of the Windows, as well as the program executed when starting, this is where the virus loves attack and modification. As for [HKEY-CLASS-ROOT] is the record file type and its associated information, [HKEY-CURRENT-User] records the current user's various information, including the password of the login and all aspects, etc., these general Will not cause a fatal error of Windows, and it is no longer analyzed here. When we analyze and modify these key values, if you encounter what is not clear, you can pass the corresponding branch of the backup registry to the corresponding branch of the backup registry to compare the corresponding branch of the first point. Windows registry backups are placed in C: / Windows / sysbackup, as we have to export the [HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE] branch of the first registry backup, then we can enter the directory first, then type command: extract / e *. *, First extract system.dat and user.dat, then type the command: regedit /l:system.dat /R :user.dat / e backup.reg hkey-local-machine. The author reminded here, this is a good way to solve the problem, and use some files to compare the software soon to find mistakes, please feel slowly. 3 Re-import the modified registry branch to the format of the command: regedit / L: System / R: user file1.reg file2.reg. We generally have to modify the default registry file, so simply in actual use: regedit file1.reg is OK. Ok, talk about it for so long, let's take a look at a specific case. A machine in the college room is restarted, no matter whether it is used in normal mode or security mode, you cannot enter the Windows interface, and the hard drive suddenly does not read during the startup process. Check the hard drive with ScanDisk and did not find problems. Select Generate the bootlog.txt file during the startup process, and then disconnect it after starting to the hard disk controller. Originally wanted to use ScanReg / Restore to recover backup registry, but the machine is not automatically backed up in order to speed up.