How do I send email in Applet?

zhaozj2021-02-11  224

Tianjin University Power Electronics Fan Zhongfang

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To get feedback, I will be embedded on the home page when designing the home page. The most popular work in it is to use HTML words:

Feedback to author! This is the shortcomings that the reader uses Internet Explorer or Netscape Navigator. You need to open a write window when you click the author's address, so that the homepage window is covered. This reader does not easily take it in this reader. The author sets a Java applet on the home page to solve this problem, which makes people who do not have the Email address can also feed. The source program is as follows:

Import java.awt. *;

Import java.applet. *;

Import *;

Import *;

Public class javamail extends applet {


// Mail server default port number

Private string appletsource = "";

// Author Mail Server IP


Private textfield senderfield, Recipientfield, Hostfield;

Public void init () {

SetLayout (New BorderLayout ());

Panel Fields = New Panel ();

Fields.setLayout (New GridLayout (3, 1));

Panel recpanel = new panel ();

Repnel.setLayout (New GridLayout (2, 1));

Repnel.Add (New Label ("Recipient"));

Recipientfield = New TextField ("zffan");

// Author's mail mail

Repnel.Add (RecipientField);

Fields.Add (Replanel);

Panel SendPanel = New Panel ();

SendPanel.setLayout (New GridLayout (2, 1));

Sendpanel.Add (New Label ("Sender"));

Senderfield = New TextField ("Your Name");

// Fill in the name of the user by the reader

Sendpanel.add (Senderfield);

Fields.Add (SendPanel);

Panel hostpanel = new panel ();

Hostpanel.setLayout (New GridLayout (2, 1));

Hostpanel.Add (New Label ("Host");

Hostfield = New TextField ("");

// Fill in the mail server iphostpanel.add (Hostfield) by the reader;

Fields.Add (Hostpanel);

Add ("North", Fields);

Msgarea = new textarea ();

Add ("Center", Msgarea;

Add ("South", New Button ("Send");


Public Boolean Handleevent (Event E) {

IF (E.ID == Event.Window_Destroy)

System.exit (0);

Return super.handleevent (e);


Public Boolean Action (EVENT E, OBJECT ARG) {

IF (arg.equals ("send"))

SendMsg (Senderfield.getText (),

Recipientfield.getText (), Hostfield.getText ());


Return Super.Action (E, ARG);

Return True;


Private Void Sendmsg (String Sender, String Recipient, String Senderhost) {

TRY {// Communication with the mail server

Socket S = New Socket (Appletsource, SMTP_PORT);

PRINTSTREAM OUT = New PrintStream (s.getoutputStream ());

Msgarea.selectall ();

Out.println ("Helo" Senderhost;

// The mail server does not authenticate if the reader is lost correctly.

Out.println ("Mail from:" Sender;

Out.println ("RCPT TO:" Recipient;

Out.println ("DATA");

Out.println (Msgarea.getSelectedText ());


Out.println ("quit");


Catch (Exception E) {System.out.println ("Error" E);}


} // javamail

The above is called at Win95, JDK1.1.2, and Hotjava Browser 1.0 ring. Interested readers can also add an error-free case when communicating with the SMTP server.


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