Today, the staff reports in the IMP a DMP file time beyond the maximum number of cursors, ORA-01000: Maximum Open Cursors Exceeded.
Asked about the basic situation,
Metalink found, IMP did not mention any errors about ORA-01000, which was a bit wondering. At this time, I took the DMP file through the email, I simulated test, I found that the reason for the error was not ORA-01000, but IMP-00093, but because too much IMP-00093 error consumed a lot of Cursor, resulting in one The number of Cursor in the session exceeds the defined 300, so starting the ORA-01000 error in the end.
Imp-00093: Inconsistency Between Dumpfile ConsTRAINT Definition for Table Account with Column ("AcctID", "CurrencyID")
First check the wrong document, basically there is no meaningful tip.
Imp-00093 inconsistency Between Dumpfile ConsTraint Definition for Table String with Columns (String)
Cause: import failed to locate a base table for a constraint what was defined in the dump file and statistics bere not imported.
Action: Check to See eti the Table and constraint exist. If The Table and continraint exist, the Report this to oracle support services as an import internal error. Check Metalink again, and there is a bug.
Bug 2834541 - IMP-93 On Import Whening The Touser Parameter Bug No. 2834541 This bug is repaired in and, which is the cause of the system generated in the process, similar to SYS_C0027639,
This reason is mentioned on MetAlink, but the IMP in many times should be the constraint name of such a system, and there is no error, so there is still another factor in the group, such as the generation of statistics. No research. Workaround: Use indexes = no or statistics = none parameters while IMP, of course, the backeeper is better. The problem is solved, but more, when designing Schema, it is best to manually specify the name of all constraints, which is a good habit.