Password (One Of Winter Homework)

xiaoxiao2021-03-06  43

On the day before the opening of the parents, I went back to school in the morning. I also went back to school in the afternoon. I bored a few magazines at noon. One is called "hacking line".

After the school is over (actually nothing, go to the report), I will go home, I found that this magazine has a Dongdong called QQ password violent crackler, I tried it, I found this Dongdong mainly uses a dictionary, then pulls the things in the dictionary to the QQ server, if it is right, if you don't try it again. I started experimenting on the same day, and I cracked a password but not my QQ number.

I didn't have a result for one night. (I doubted it to have a dictionary problem.)

After opening a parent meeting (in fact, the parents will go there, the last result is the same as the day before.)

After going home, open the number on QQ. The result shows the password is wrong. I ask why it changed the password, it said, "Don't trust you"

By, there is a new version result in the Internet, there is still no results in one night.

Later, I born my own ideas to generate a dictionary, then opened Visual Studio.net2003, or selected VB.NET, the reason for selecting VB.NET has n

1. I will vb, you can say that only VB, although I understand the PASCAL, but the Pascal compiler of my side is in the last 1980s.

2. Relatively VB.NET computing performance is much better than VB6.

3. VB.NET is running with the .NET class library, you don't have to install .NET FERAMWORK machine on any one installed .NET FERAMWORK.

// dizzy, the day the machine reload the operating system forgets the backup, and the result is now not found.

// fainted once, and the C zone was too small at that time, and the Visual was not up.

// But the screenshot can still be sent, because the earliest version I have passed to the Internet.

// Then I still tell the story.

Later, I first compiled a program that could generate 2 bits from lowercase A-Z, I called α version.

Later, I think it's too tired, and I want to edit a program that automatically generates the code of the intermediate algorithm.

/ / May be because our family is getting lazy, so what is going to make the machine to dry, why do you have to do it? (This theory is suitable for writing industries, hehe.)

Then I turned to this. (I have a lot of time anyway)

Later, I found that I used it.

TextBox1.text = ***

Too much trouble, I have compiled a function, and the name is called Print. The Print in VB is similar. The role in VB is output on the form, I am output on TextBox. The code is under bottom: function print (Temp as string) AS String TextBox1.text = textbox1.text & vbclRF & TEMP 'VBCLRF indicates that the wrap end function

After you have compiled this function, you will worry about what is output. (The key is because this program is too much), it is also the definition of this function in the code you generated by the program. Later, I found that the speed is too slow, replacing the things in the function: TextBox1.text = String.concat (TextBox1.text, vbclrf, temp) The String.concat method is used between the two strings Quickly connect. (嘿) Finally I found that it didn't matter to my algorithm, it was too slow to my machine. (If there is a "digital castle" that the password machine is fine.) This story is over. Appendix: a. ============================================== ================================== ---------------- -------------------------------------------------- -------------------------------------------------- - ******************************************************** *************************************** B. Code (I have said before the editor The automatic generated code is passed by me to Yahoo.) Below this is the '/ - ↓↓ of the two dictionary can be generated, please do not put the following code in the Button's Click event ↓ - /' function start ' Function Name: 'PRINT'LEIMD PROGRAMING ON 2005.1.18'DEVELOPER:' LEIMDFunction print (ByVal temp As String) As String TextBox1.Text = TextBox1.Text & tempFunction end'Function END '/ - ↑↑ do not put the above code ↑ ↑ - /

DIM I as integerim texta, Textb As Integerdim Temp as stringdim temp1 (26), TEMP2 (26) AS String 'declaration array' / ↓↓ 初 Initialization array ↓↓↓ / / 'for i = 1 TO 26 Temp1 (i) = CHR (i 96) Temp2 (i) = CHR (i 96) Next I '/ ↑↑↑↑ 初 initialization array ↑↑↑↑↑↑ /' '/ ____________________ / 'for texta = 1 to 26for textb = 1 to 26 TEMP = TEMP1 (TEXTA) & TEMP2 (TEXTB) Print (Temp & VBCRLF) NEXT TEXTBNEXT TEXTA' / _____________________ / ' ============================== ========================================================= - -------------------------------------------------- -------------------------------------------------- ---------------- ***************************************** *********************************************************** ***** The following is to generate 26-bit dictionary (some madness, people who wish the machine speed do not try, mainly used to compare the above) '/ - ↓ Please do not put the following code to Button Click event ↓ - / 'function start'function name:' print'leimd program on 2005.1.18'developer: '

LeimDFunction Print (Byval Temp as String) AS String TextBox1.text = TextBox1.text & TempFunction end'Function end '/ - ↑ ↑ Do not put the above code to Button's Click event ↑ - /

Dim i as integerDim texta, textb, textc, textd, texte, textf, textg, texth, texti, textj, textk, textl, textm, textn, texto, textp, textq, textr, texts, textt, textu, textv, textw, TextX, Texty, Textz As Integerdim Temp2 (26), Temp3 (26), TEMP4 (26), TEMP5 (26), TEMP6 (26), TEMP7 (26), TEMP8 (26), Temp9 (26), TEMP10 (26), TEMP11 (26), TEMP12 (26), TEMP13 (26), TEMP14 (26), TEMP15 (26), TEMP16 (26), TEMP17 (26), TEMP18 (26), Temp19 (26), TEMP20 (26), TEMP21 (26), TEMP22 (26), TEMP23 (26), TEMP24 (26), TEMP25 (26), TEMP26 (26) AS String 'declaration array' / ↓↓↓↓ ↓ Initialization array ↓↓↓↓ / 'for i = 1 to 26 temp1 (i) = CHR (i 96) TEMP2 (i) = CHR (i 96) TEMP3 (I) = CHR (i 96 ) TEMP4 (I) = CHR (i 96) TEMP5 (i) = CHR (i 96) TEMP6 (i) = CHR (i 96) TEMP7 (I) = CHR (i 96) TEMP8 (i) = CHR (I 96) TEMP9 (I) = CHR (i 96) TEMP10 (I) = CHR (i 96) TEMP11 (I) = CHR (i 96) TEMP12 (I) = CHR (i 96) TEMP13 (I) = CHR (i 96) TEMP14 (I) = CHR (i 96) TEMP15 (I) = CHR (i 96) T EMP16 (I) = CHR (i 96) TEMP17 (I) = CHR (i 96) TEMP18 (I) = CHR (i 96) TEMP19 (I) = CHR (i 96) TEMP20 (i) = CHR (i 96) TEMP21 (I) = CHR (i 96) TEMP22 (I) = CHR (i 96) TEMP23 (I) = CHR (i 96) TEMP24 (I) = CHR (i 96) TEMP25 (i) = CHR (i 96) TEMP26 (i) = CHR (i 96) Next I '/ ↑ ↑↑↑ 初 initialization array ↑↑↑↑↑↑ /' '/ ____________________ /' For texta = 1 to 26for textb = 1 to 26for textc = 1 to 26for texTD = 1 to 26for texte =


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