JavaScript function quick check

zhaozj2021-02-11  238

Due to a lot of article content, there is not much written here, please ask for a friend to see, Id = 339

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abs acos action alert alinkColor anchor anchor (anchors array) anchors appCodeName appName appVersion asin atan back bgColor big blink blur bold button ceil charAt checkbox checked clear clearTimeout click close (document) close (window) confirm cookie cos Date defaultChecked defaultSelected defaultStatus defaultValue document E elements array elements encoding escape eval exp fgColor fixed floor focus fontcolor fontsize form (forms array) forms forward frame (frames array) frames getDate getDay getHours getMinutes getMonth getSeconds getTime getTimezoneOffset getYear go hash hidden history host hostname href index indexOf isNaN italics lastIndexOf lastModified length link link (links array) linkColor links LN2 LN10 location location log LOG2E LOG10E Math max method min name navigator onBlur onChange onClick onFocus onLoad onMouseOver onSelect onSubmit onUnload open (document) open (window) options parent parse parseFloat parseInt password pathname PI port pow prompt protocol radio ra ndom referrer reset round search select select (options array) selected selectedIndex self setDate setHours setMinutes setMonth setSeconds setTime setTimeout setYear sin small sqrt SQRT1_2 SQRT2 status strike string sub submit submit substring sup tan target text text textarea title toGMTString toLocaleString toLowerCase top toUpperCase unescape userAgent UTC value VLINKCOLOR WINDOW WINDOW WRITE WRITELN


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