Get the name, type, length and other information of the field of Access database table

xiaoxiao2021-03-06  39

Laiyiling (the most familiar stranger) (knowing too little, a lot of questions will not!) Post it is in the community.

This is a list of fields based on the table, you refer to:


#define Pause Printf ("/ npress any key to exit"); getch ();

#define _win32_dcom

#pragma Warning (Push)

#pragma Warning (Disable: 4146)

#import "E: / Program Files / Common Files / System / ADO / MSADO15.DLL" No_Namespace Rename ("EOF", "ENDOFFILE")

#pragma Warning (POP)

Int main (int Argc, char * argv [])



_RecordSetPtr M_PRS;


_BSTR_T BSTRCONNSTR = "provider = microsoft.jet.Oledb.4.0;"

"Data Source = f: //lylong//db1.mdb; Persist security info = false";

Try {

m_pconn.createInstance (__UUIDOF (Connection));


M_PCONN-> Open (BSTRCONNSTR, "," "", adConnectunSpecified;

M_PRS-> Open ("Table1",

m_pconn.getInterfacePtr (), AdopenForwardonly, AdlockOptimistic, Adcmdtable;

Long lcolumn = m_prs-> fields-> count;

Printf ("% - 12S% -10s% -10s / n", "field name", "length", "type");

For (long i = 0; i


Printf ("% - 12S% -10D% -10d / n", (char *) m_prs-> fields-> item [i] -> name,

M_PRS-> Fields-> item [i] -> definedsize,

M_PRS-> Fields-> Item [i] -> type);


M_PRS-> Close ();

M_PCONN-> Close ();

} catch (_COM_ERROR E)


Printf ("/ n% s error:% ld / r / n"

"% s / r / n"

"% s / r / n",

(char *) E.Source (),

E.Error (),

(char *) E.DESCRIPTION (),

(char *) E.ERRORMESSAGE ());

M_PRS-> Close ();

M_PCONN-> Close ();


Couninitialize ();


Return 0;



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