QUESTION NO: 206You are the administrator of a Windows 2000 domain The domain has a Windows 2000 member server computer named TestKingA Routing and Remote Access is enabled for remote access on DeskA Your company is organizing an industry trade show in a conference center.... You have set up 15 desks and telephones in the conference area. During the conference, attendees will be allowed to dial in to your network by using any of the 15 telephones. Each telephone line has its own telephone number.The conference attendees can use their own portable computers to dial in. When attendees dial in to TestKingA, they do not need to specify a user name or password. However, you do not want to allow dial-in access from any telephone other than the 15 telephones in the conference area . You enable unauthenticated access on the TestKingA remote access server. You also create a remote access policy named Conference that allows unauthenticated access as the authentication method. Attendees report tha T they area not a user name and password. You want to ensure Thattenttendees Can Dial IN WITHOUT SPECIFYING A User name and password. What shouth you do?