Prerequisit: After the GRUB launching the Windows and Linux, the startup environment was reinstalled, the startup environment was destroyed! 1. Find Linux installation disk, my Fedora Core also took a fault repair, with it Start the machine .2. Type the boot: Type Linux Rescue to enter the rescue mode. 3. Type the command grub4 after the shell prompt. Go to the GRUB> Status, type the command root (here you must pay attention to root and A space, then press the Tab button to appear a list of hard drives, if you have only one hard drive, then HD05. Snap a comma, such as root (HD0, then press the TAB key to list the partition on your HD0 hard disk, then select you Originally installing Linux partitions, complete this command such as root (HD0, 0) 6. Type the command setup (HD0) 7. Type the Quit Command Exit GRUB, restart the system should see the launched list.