Install and configure mysql, phpMyadmin; installation and test phplib

zhaozj2021-02-11  210

Install and configure installation in c: / mysql, MY-EXAMPLE.CNF COPY to C: /MY.CNF under the file in c: / mysql, = d: / mysql / Change to BaseDir = C: / MySQL / Extension = php3_mysql.dll in c: / windows/php3.ini is removed! Enter the C: / MySQL / bin directory in MS_DOS. Run mysqld-shareware

PHPMYADMINPHPMYADMIN_2.0.5.TAR Unzip to C: / Apache / HTDOCS /, open the in this directory with phped: Configure the program row request (""); comment out, for: file : // Require (""); Require (""); Open http://localhost/phpmyadmin/index.php3!

Installation and testing PHPLIB extract to c: / apache / phplib edit php3.ini: include_path = "c: / Apache / phplib / php" auto_prepend_file = "c: /apache/phplib/php/prepend.php3" track_vars = Onmagic_quotes_gpc = On If there is any file that needs include, you can write together in the include_path and separated by a semicolon.


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