Example: Pack all things in the E: / Web / Directory to 1.rar in the E: / Web / Directory for download
C: / program files / WinRAR / rar.exe a -k -r -s -m1 e: /web/1.rar e: / web /
Parameter Description: a Add file to the compressed file -K lockup compressed file -s generate solid archive, which can increase compression ratio -R includes subdirectory-M1 setting compression than-m0 storage to compress files when the file is added. -m1 fastest use of the fastest way (low compression) -M2 Faster use Rapid compression mode -M3 standard use standard (default) compression mode -M4 better use better compression mode (better compression, but slow) -M5 Good use of maximum compression (best compression, but slower)
If you pack Gzip compression in UNIX / Linux / FreeBSD (speed slower compression ratio high): TAR -ZCF target path file name to package file or directory does not compress the package (speed is the same as the copy file, no compression): TAR - CF target path file name to package files or directory, such as: tar -zcf /Home/web/1.tar.gz / Home / Web /