1. Windows 2000 Support Tools Install Windows 2000 Support Tools in the CD of Windwos 2000. Below we started to install, put the Windows 2000 CD into the CD-ROM drive, this assumes that the optical drive is f: And Organization information, click "Custon", appear:
Click "Next" and then start installing,
Click Finish, you have successfully installed Windows 2000 Support Tools.
Second, Computer Management Tool Computer Management Tools
2.1 Dumpchk.exe
This is a command line debugging tool for verifying whether the Crash Dump is correct. It uses the generated Crash Dump file (extension DMP) to analyze the problem in debug machine running. When the system crashes, the MEMORY.DMP file can be used to use this debugging tool to find the reason. This tool doesn't have much place for ordinary users. It will not be said, you are interested in the following information:
1, W2RKSupp.chm (Support Tools Help File, in Support Tools) 2, (KB: Q156280) How to use dumpchk.exe to check a memory dump file http://support.microsoft.com/default.aspx?scid = Kb; EN-US; Q156280 & 3, http://www.labmice.net/troubleshooting/Memorydumps.htm
2.2 Kill.exe
This is a command line tool to end one or more tasks and processes, and you must know the ID Number (PID) or process name of the process before you end the process. Find PID You can use TLIST (Windows 2000 Support Tool) or PULIST (Windows 2000 Resource Kit). TLIST usage can be seen 2.8 TList.exe. Kill Syntax: Kill [/ f] {process_id | pattern} parameter: / f mandatory end process. Process_id specifies the PID of the ended process. Pattern specifies the end of the end of the process name or window, which can be any complete process name or a wildcard expression. For example: Enter kill * help * will end all processes or window titles contain "Help". Example: 1, using Tlist obtain PID C: / Program Files / Support Tools> tlist0 System Process8 System168 SMSS.EXE192 CSRSS.EXE212 WINLOGON.EXE NetDDE Agent240 SERVICES.EXE252 LSASS.EXE452 svchost.exe496 spoolsv.exe728 msdtc.exe848 dfssvc.exe864 svchost.exe900 ismserv.exe924 LLSSRV.EXE960 ntfrs.exe1032 regsvc.exe1048 LOCATOR.EXE1060 mstask.exe SYSTEM AGENT COM WINDOW1088 SNMP.EXE1156 WinMgmt.exe708 svchost.exe1172 DNS.EXE1180 inetinfo.exe1304 explorer.exe Program Manager1316 rundll32.exe1548 internat. exe1556 msmsgs.exe MCI command handling window1564 hh.exe Windows 2000 Support Tools1748 mdm.exe OleMainThreadWndName1824 WINWORD.EXE supporttools - Microsoft Word1892 svchost.exe ModemDeviceChange1780 CMD.EXE C: /WINENG/System32/cmd.exe - tlist736 tlist.exe2, use PID End HH.exe Process C: / Program Files / Support Tools> Kill 1564Process Hh.exe (1564) - 'Windows 2000 Support Tools' Killed
3. End Winlogon.exe Process Tools> Kill Winlogon.exeprocess Winlogon.exe (212) - 'NetDDE Agent' Killed Tools> Kill Winlogon.exeProcess Winlogon.exe (212)
4. Interested to try this c: / program files / support tools> kill * Note: Please save the file before use, otherwise the consequences are at your own risk!
2.3 MEMSNAP.EXE This tool can get a memory resource snapshot and write all information about memory resources to a log file. The things that have been obtained are some of the comparative underlying stuff, there is not much reference value for ordinary users.
MEMSNAP Syntax: MEMSNAP [-t] [-g] [-?] [Logfile] parameter: -t Added marker information, including Greenwich Time, Data, and Computer Names. -g Add GDI and user resources logfile specify log file name, the default file name is MEMSNAP.LOG example: c: / program files / support tools> MEMSNAP -T -G Mem.logc: / Program Files / Support Tools> Type MEM ! .logProcess ID Proc.Name Wrkng.Set PagedPool NonPgdPl Pagefile CommitHandles Threads User Gdi LogType = memsnap ComputerName = LEO buildnumber = 2195 buildtype = retail CSDVersion = Service Pack 3 SystemTime = 10/23/2002 18:06!!!!!: 55.0191 (GMT)! Tickcount = 1162194100000000 (NULL) 16384 0 0 0 00 1 0 0000008 SYSTEM 225280 0 0 24576 24576 ... (too much, omit)
2.4 msicuu.exe
Generally we delete programs can be used through "Delete / Adding Applications in Control Panel", but some special circumstances, it cannot complete some delete tasks, then MsiCuu.exe tools are used. Although Windows Installer is designed in advance Very robust, but it is still possible to cause failure or problems due to the following reasons: l Computer registry corruption l Some people have unintentionally changed the Windows Installer Registry Setting 1 When installing a program, there is no intention to interrupt L at the same time there are multiple programs Installation or one installation instance is blocked
Note: You must have administrator privileges to use this tool. This tool is a graphical interface, very simple, running C: / Program Files / Support Tools> Msicuu.exe, listing the program that can be deleted, select "REMOVE" to delete. See the picture:
2.5 msizap.exe
This tool is MsiCuu.exe command line, but the function is much stronger than msicuu.exe, and there are many parameters you can flexibly. MSIZAP.EXE Syntax: MSIZAP [F] [R] [P] [A] [T Product Code] [!] [?] Parameter: * Remove all installation folders and corresponding registration keys; adjust dynamic link library (DLL ); Stop Windows Installer Services F Removes All Installation Folder U Remove% UserProfile% / MSI, AppData / Microsoft / Installer Folder R Removes Registration Key P Remove IN-Prlgress button N Remove All Setup Registry About WindWos Installer New Products Uninstall button V Stopping Windows Installer Services T Remove all information about the established product code A. Any specified item is deleted, change the access control table to fully manage control! Force "Yes" as Response Tips? Display detailed help
In fact, it is more convenient to use mscuu.exe.
2.6 poolmon.exe
This is a memory monitoring tool that can monitor the total pages in memory and the non-page memory pool. Poolmon is often used to help you detect "empty caves" in memory. The so-called "empty" here means that it looks in use, in fact, there is no memory used. This command needs to be used with GFLAGS.EXE tools. 1. You must run GFLAGS.EXE before using Poolmon using the native Enable pool tagging. There are two ways: graphical user interface or command line method chart user interface: run gflags, select Enable pool tagging, click Apply, then click OK; command line: gflags -r ptg2, restart your computer; 3, restart Once, Poolmon can now be implemented. Poolmon.exe Syntax: PoolMon [ITAG] [XTAG] [Switch] Parameters: ITAG only lists the marker names that match the memory pool, the tag name can contain wildcards or & * XTAG lists each mark that does not match the memory pool Name, marker name can include wildcards? Or & * switch: t according to alphabetical list P, according to the memory pool type list A, according to the distribution size list f, according to the idle size list D, according to the difference between allocation and unallocated, to list the maximum Value List M lists the maximum list E total list L for those rows of the display, the background color control switch, the default is to open 2.7 reg.exe This tool is a registry console tool, which can pass the command line or Batch files to increase, change, delete, find, save, restore registry, and perform other registry operations. It can operate local and remote computers. This tool is powerful. If you are familiar with the registry, you can make full use of its features. The grammar and examples of this tool have a detailed introduction in the Support Tools Help file. Interested in refer to the following information:
1, W2RKSupp.chm (Support Tools Help File, in Support Tools) 2, http://www.sqreg.com (Magical Registration) / 3, http://www.blue-online.net/
2.8 TList.exe
This is a command line tool to list tasks, processes, and PIDs running in this unit. Once you use TLIST to find the process running in your native, you can use the Kill tool to end one or more of those processes. Syntax: TLIST [PID] [PATTERN] [-M pattern] [-p processname] [-ss] [-t] parameter: TLIST only uses this command, you can list the process PID number that is running without using any parameters. Name and window title (if any) PID When you enter a PID after command, you will list the task or process details of the specified PID or process. Pattern Pattern can be the name of the task, the process, the title of a program window (can be complete Name, or a wildcard expression). When this information is entered after the command, TLIST lists the corresponding details. For example: TLIST System *, this command will list process information that contains the System character in all names. (* Alternatively, multiple any legal characters can be replaced. -m pattern usage and pattern, but only lists the DLL file information used instead of process information. It can also use full names and wildcards. -p ProcessName If you know the process name, you can use this parameter to get the PID of this process. -s Display Service Information Activated in each process -T This parameter will display the parent / sub-relation between the process in the manner of the directory tree. Example: 1, list the processes currently running the machine, the task C: / Program Files / Support Tools> tlist0 System Process8 System168 SMSS.EXE192 CSRSS.EXE212 WINLOGON.EXE NetDDE Agent240 SERVICES.EXE252 LSASS.EXE452 svchost.exe496 spoolsv.exe728 msdtc.exe848 dfssvc.exe864 svchost.exe900 ismserv.exe924 LLSSRV.EXE960 ntfrs.exe1032 regsvc.exe1048 LOCATOR.EXE1060 mstask.exe SYSTEM AGENT COM WINDOW1088 SNMP.EXE1156 WinMgmt.exe708 svchost.exe1172 DNS.EXE1180 inetinfo.exe1304 explorer.exe Program Manager1316 rundll32.exe1532 mixer.exe Mixer1548 internat.exe1556 msmsgs.exe MCI command handling window1748 mdm.exe OleMainThreadWndName1824 WINWORD.EXE supporttools - Microsoft Word1892 svchost.exe ModemDeviceChange1980 XDICT.EXE IXdict PosWnd1500 IEXPLORE.EXE ??? - Microsoft Internet Explorer1780 CMD. Exe C: /wineng/system32/cmd.exe - TList1488 HH.exe Windows 2000 Support Tools1388 TLIST.EXE
2, C 1060 lists the details: / Program Files / Support Tools> tlist 10601060 mstask.exe SYSTEM AGENT COM WINDOWCWD: C: / WINENG / system32 / CmdLine: C: /WINENG/system32/MSTask.exeVirtualSize: 24668 KB PeakVirtualSize : 24924 KBWorkingSetSize: 2712 KB PeakWorkingSetSize: 2720 KBNumberOfThreads: 61056 Win32StartAddr: 0x01002f30 LastErr: 0x000003e5 State: Waiting628 Win32StartAddr: 0x77db2430 LastErr: 0x00000002 State: Waiting1092 Win32StartAddr: 0x77d424c2 LastErr: 0x00000000 State: Waiting1096 Win32StartAddr: 0x778321fe LastErr: 0x00000000 State: Waiting1100 Win32StartAddr: 0x77d424c2 LastErr: 0x00000102 State: Waiting1104 Win32StartAddr: 0x01002959 LastErr: 0x000003e5 State:. Waiting4.71.2195.1 shp 0x01000000 MSTask.exe5.0.2195.5400 shp 0x77f80000 ntdll.dll ......... (information too long, there is omitted)
3, use parameter pattern, list all processes that contain characters containing CSR * C: / Program Files / Support Tools> TLIST CSR * 192 CSRSS.execwd: C: C: C: C: C: C: / Wineng / SYSTEM32 / csrss.exe ObjectDirectory = / Windows SharedSection = 1024,3072,512,512 Windows = On SubSystemType = Windows ServerDll = basesrv, 1 ServerDll = winsrv: UserServerDllInitialization, 3 ServerDll = winsrv: ConServerDllInitialization, 2 ProfileControl = Off MaxRequestThreads = 16VirtualSize: 39188 KB PeakVirtualSize: 102800 KBWorkingSetSize: 4684 KB PeakWorkingSetSize: 5356 KBNumberOfThreads: 10196 Win32StartAddr: 0x00000000 LastErr: 0x00000000 State: Waiting200 Win32StartAddr: 0x00000000 LastErr: 0x00000000 State: Waiting204 Win32StartAddr: 0x00000000 LastErr: 0x00000000 State: Waiting208 Win32StartAddr: 0x00000000 LastErr: 0x00000000 State: Waiting156 Win32StartAddr: 0x00000000 LastErr: 0x00000000 State: Waiting216 Win32StartAddr: 0x00000000 LastErr: 0xf000ef6f State: Waiting220 Win32StartAddr: 0x00000000 LastErr: 0xf000ef6f State: Waiting256 Win32StartAddr: 0x00000000 LastErr: 0xf000ef6f State: Wai ting484 Win32StartAddr: 0x00000000 LastErr: 0x00000000 State: Waiting392 Win32StartAddr: 0x00000000 LastErr: 0x00000000 State: Waiting5.0.2195.5265 shp 0x5fff0000 csrss.exe5.0.2195.5400 shp 0x77f80000 ntdll.dll5.0.2195.5265 shp 0x5ff90000 CSRSRV.dll5.0.2195.5265 shp 0x5ffa0000 basesrv.dll5.0.2195.4602 shp 0x5ffb0000 winsrv.dll5.0.2195.4314 shp 0x77e10000 USER32.DLL5.0.2195.5400 shp 0x77e80000 KERNEL32.DLL5.0.2195.5252 shp 0x77f40000 GDI32.DLL4, parameters -m patternC: / Program Files / Support Tools> TLIST -M CSR * CSRSS.EXE - 192 CSRS.EXE
5, parameter -P processname, lists the PIDC: / Program Files / Support Tools> TLIST -P CSRS.EXE192 for CSRSS.exe
6, parameter -s you will try it yourself! 7, parameters - T Try yourself!