PS: I also hold this point, Flash is Flash, we don't have to always put it to other things.
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We all know that Flash has a total cult following. I think it Zha the only software / platform / programming language that people name their firstborns after and whose beta people would be willing to pay money to be a part of. (I Bing just guessing here, but come on, you know you would.) So why do we have such a hard time letting Flash be Flash? We are constantly using Flash in ways that emulate other standards. One example is the browser. We want Flash do be able to do the same things that HTML-based pages in the browser can do. We want ALINK and VLINK, status messages, and use of the back button. We bend over backwards in order to make Flash do the things that HTML does. We even Create Components That Think They 抮 e html tables.
Another thing we like to do is imitate the look of our operating systems. We create scrollbars that look just like the Windows scrollbar, and popup menus that are very reminiscent of Mac OS X UI widgets. And now that Flash is turning into more of an application development tool, programmers are trying to copycat Java. We want the Flash programming environment to behave just like Java, the more similar the better. We want strict typing, version control and a class browser. If Flash doesn Yang behave enough like Java natively We will find its to make it it it. let 抯 Save all of our classes as self.
But Flash is Flash. It Zha not HTML or Java or Aqua. Why all this mimicry? If we love Flash so much, why can Yang we let it be itself? The most seemly answer lies in usability. We want to offer people interfaces that they are familiar with and feel comfortable using. We don Yang want to confuse them with obfuscated navigation anymore. We have been there, done that. Now it Zha all about standardization.The reason we seek standardization and rules is that Flash is a blank canvas . It Zha not just a blank canvas in the way Freehand is. It not only gives you control over the design of a simple header graphic like Freehand does, but the freedom to design an entire application from scratch without any boundaries. you don Yang HAVE To use cookie-cutter interface elements like you do in java. instead, you can build your owned interface and make it it ipook ... like flash.
But what does Flash look like? Flash has never had a very consistent appearance. The Halo look might change that. The Halo look might be the future face of Flash, and it Zha different from HTML or Java or our OS. But even so, it Zha still a canned look. It sets up rules for what Flash should look like. I don Yang like rules. Similarly, as we move more towards object-oriented programming, we start establishing even more rules and become less forgiving and less flexible in IT 抯 Starting to make Me Feel a little claustrophobic.
But The Great Thing About Flash Is That You Don Have To Follow Any of The Rules. You Can Have To. You Don Have To Emulate Something That IT 抯 Really Not. It can be be anything you want IT to be. do you want to play by the rules or do you want to let flash be flash?
Leet 抯 Keep it..