All mentioned Swing skills are all in one class, which is convenient to call. In addition, finally find a good java2html: http://gnuwin32.SourceForge.Net/packages/src-highlite.htm to see the effect of the web page, very good .
/ *
* Created on 2005-2-19
* /
Package Net.9cbs.dyhml.util;
Import java.awt.component;
Import java.awt.cursor;
Import java.awt.dimension;
Import java.awt.font;
Import java.awt.frame;
Import Java.awt.Image;
Import java.awt.point;
Import java.awt.toolkit;
Import java.awt.window;
Import java.util.enumeration;
Import javax.swing.jdialog;
Import javax.swing.jframe;
Import javax.swing.jrootpane;
Import javax.swing.lookandfeel;
Import javax.swing.swingutilities;
Import javax.swing.uimanager;
Import javax.swing.plaf.fontuiresource;
/ **
* Provide a static method for AWT, SWING
* @Author Viruscamp
* /
Public class swingutil {
/ **
* The default java.awt.toolkit used by the methods used in this class
* /
Public Static Final Toolkit Toolkit = Toolkit.getDefaultToolkit ();
/ **
* Fully screen Window, valid for Window, Frame, Dialog, Jwindow, JFrame, JDialog
* @Param Window full screening Window
* @see Window, Frame, Dialog, Jwindow, Jframe, JDIALOG
* /
Public static void setsizefullofscreen (window window) {
Dimension Screensize = Toolkit.getscreensize ();
Window.setbounds (0, 0, Screensize.width, Screensize.height);
/ **
* Set Window in the middle of the screen, valid for Window, Frame, Dialog, Jwindow, JFrame, JDialog
* @Param Window Window set in the middle of the screen
* @see Window, Frame, Dialog, Jwindow, Jframe, JDIALOG
* /
Public Static Void SettoscreenCenter (Window Window) {
Dimension Screensize = Toolkit.getscreensize ();
Dimension Windowsize = window.getsize ();
Windowsize.height> Screensize.height)
Windowsize.height = Screensize.height;
IF (Windowsize.Width> Screensize.width)
Windowsize.width = Screensize.width; Window.SetLocation ((Screensize.width - Windowsize.width) / 2,
Screensize.height - windowsize.height / 2);
/ **
* Set global font
* @Param font global font
* /
Public Static Void InitglobalFontSetting (font font) {
Fontuiresource Fontres = New Fontuiresource (font);
FOR (Enumeration Keys = UIManager.getDefaults (). Keys (); Keys
.hasmorelements ();
Object key = keys.nextelement ();
Object value = uimanager.get (key);
Value InstanceOf Fontuiresource
UIManager.put (key, fontres);
/ **
* Set the cursor on Component (CURSOR)
* @param c Sets the cursor on this Component (CURSOR)
* @Param Image Setting Cursor (CURSOR) pattern
* /
PUBLIC Static Void SetCursor (Component C, Image Image) {
Cursor Cursor = Toolkit
.createcustomcursor (Image, New Point (0, 0), NULL);
/ **
* Set the global LookandFeel, this LookAndfeel is used after this LookandFeel
* @Param lafstr Setting LookandFeel
* @Return 0: Set success, 1: Set failure
* /
Public Static int setglobal {String Lafstr) {
Try {
UIManager.SetLookAndfeel (lafstr);
Return 0;
} catch (exception e) {
Return 1;
/ **
* JFRAME established later, whether JDIALOG is decorated using LookandFeel window (title bar, border, etc.)
* /
Private static boolean isundecorated = false;
/ **
* Returns the JFRAME established after this, is JDIALOG to use the window decoration of the LookandFeel (title bar, border, etc.)
* @Return's JFRAME, JDIALOG is decorated using the window decoration of the LookandFeel (title bar, border, etc.)
* /
Public static boolean isundecorated () {
Return isundecorated;
/ **
* Set this subsequent JFRAME, JDialog is decorated with the window of the LookandFeel (title bar, border, etc.)
* @Param Whether JFRAME, JDialog is decorated with the window decoration of the LookandFeel (title bar, border, etc.)
* /
Public static void setundecorated (boolean undecorated) {
Lookandfeel laf = uimanager.getlookAndfeel ();
Swingutil.isundecorated = undecorated;
JFrame.SetDefaultLookandFeelDecorated (undecorated
&& laf.getsupportswindowdecorations ()); JDIALOG.SETDEFAULTLOOKANDFEELDECORATED (undecorated
&& laf.getsupportswindowdecorations ());
/ **
* Set whether JFRAME is decorated using the window of the LookandFeel (title bar, border, etc.)
* @Param Whether to use the window decoration of the LookandFeel (title bar, border, etc.)
* /
Public Static Void Setundecoated (JFrame Frame, Boolean undecorated) {
Frame.ISPLAYABLE ()) frame.dispose ();
Frame.setundecoated (undecorated && uimanager.getlookandfeel (). getsupportswindowdecorations ());
JRootpane jrootpane = frame.getrootpane ();
JRootpane.SetWindowDecorationStyle (JRootpane.GetWindowDecorationStyle ());
Frame.ISPLAYABLE ()) ();
/ **
* Set whether JDIALOG is decorated using the window of the LookandFeel (title bar, border, etc.)
* @Param Whether to use the window decoration of the LookandFeel (title bar, border, etc.)
* /
Public Static Void Setundecoated (JDIALOG DIALOG, BOOLEAN undecorated) {
IF (Dialog.ISDisPlayable ()) Dialog.dispose ();
Dialog.setundecoated (undecorated && uimanager.getlookandfeel (). getsupportswindowdecorations ());
JRootpane jrootpane = dialog.getrootpane ();
JRootpane.SetWindowDecorationStyle (JRootpane.GetWindowDecorationStyle ());
IF (Dialog.IsdisPlayable ()) ();
/ **
* Update all JFrames for this program to be established, LookandFeel
* /
Public static void updateui () {
Frame [] frames = frame.getframes ();
For (INT i = 0; i UpdateUi (frames [i]); } / ** * Update your COMPONENT LOOKANDFEEL * @Param Target Operation Operation * / Public static void updateui (Component Target) { Target InstanceOf Jframe Updateui (JFrame) Target, isundecoated; Target InstanceOf JDialog Updateui (JDIALOG) Target, isundecorated; Swingutilities.UpdateComponentTreeui (Target); } / ** * Update JFrame's LookandFeel, change the border of JFrame, title * @Param Frame operation object * @Param undecoated Whether to use the window decoration of the LookandFeel (title bar, border, etc.) * / Public static void updateui (jframe frame, boolean undecorated) {setundecorad (frame, undecorated); Swingutilities.UpdateComponentTreeui (frame); } / ** * Update JDialog's LookandFeel, change the border of JDialog, title * @Param Dialog Operation object * @Param undecoated Whether to use the window decoration of the LookandFeel (title bar, border, etc.) * / Public Static Void UpdateUi (JDIALOG DIALOG, BOOLEAN undecorated) { Setundecoated (Dialog, undecorated); Swingutilities.UpdateComponentTreeui (Dialog); } }