Tiobe Feirter latest Recommendation language

xiaoxiao2021-03-06  18

February Headline: From the long-term change trend chart, it can be seen that PHP rises good, and the network seems to be very lively. Tiobe program language uses the leaderboard to display the latest popularity of the program language, updated once a month. Statistics Based on the number of language engineers, courses, and third-party providers. Google, MSN, and Yahoo! The data of the three major search engines. The Tiobe program language is not to point out which language is the best or most code, which language is written. It's just to help you evaluate whether the language you use can follow the era or help. Choose a right language when making new software development.

Ranking (ranked) Language usage (usage) evaluation 1C19.820% 1.63% A2JAVA18.340% -4.22% A3C 11.337% -4.37% A4PHP10.278% 3.02% A5Perl8.861% -0.61% A6 ( Visual) Basic7.102% -2.04% A7SQL3.373% -0.14% A8PYTHON 2.506% 1.50% A9C # 2.363% 0.19% A10Delphi / KYLIX1.895% 1.17% A11Javascript1.779% -0.36% A12SAS 1.378% 0.66% A13COBOL0.874% 0.13% A14IDL0.686% 0.31% a - 15abap0.678% 0.51% A - 16LISP 0.656% 0.20% B17Pascal0.556% 0.06% B18Fortran0.518% 0.03 % B19ADA0.462% -0.04% b20matlab0.402% 0.17% B


Explanation of some fields:

(Ranking): Changes compared to the same period last year. Usage: Web Search ' "Keyword (Some Language)' is used to calculate this leaderboard data, using the number of Web Searches for Google, MSN and Yahoo! in the past 12 months and the number of Google News Groups. Calculation method is # (Specification Google Web Click) # (Specification Yahoo! Web Click) # (Specification Google News Group Clicked Quantity). The term "specification" refers to the top 50 language Web Click There will happen and evenly distributed. (Usage): The usage rate change in the past 12 months. Evaluation: "A" represents the mainstream language. Evaluation "A-" and "A--" indicate language evaluation between "A" and Between "B". If a language is used at least 3 months higher than 0.7%, it can obtain an evaluation "A", and the previous two months have evaluated "A--" and "A-". The case from the evaluation "A" to the evaluation "B" is the opposite.

Long line change trend

The trend of long-term change in the top 10 languages ​​is shown below:

other languages

In the request, the other top 50 languages ​​are listed in the table below. This table is not officially supported, maybe a language is missing because of our negligence.

Rank language evaluation 21Felix0.396% 22Awk0.387% 23Tcl / Tk0.346% 24Prolog0.343% 25VB.NET0.341% 26RPG0.325% 27ActionScript0.324% 28Scheme0.318% 29D0.302% 30Postscript0.288% 31ColdFusion0.282 % 32Ruby0.236% 33Bash0.225% 34PL / 10.200% 35S-Lang0.182% 36Forth0.186% 37Logo0.174% 38Icon0.159% 39LabView0.154% 40REXX0.131% 41VBScript0.103% 42Clipper0.093% 43Smalltalk0.088 % 44CSH0.084% 45ml0.083% 46Objective-C0.081% 47NATURAL 0.081% 48ocaml0.078% 49LingO0.076% 50VHDL 0.073% Other candidate language

In addition to the 50 languages ​​mentioned above, we have also held concern about the future of the list. Press alphabetical sequence below:

ABC, Algol, APL, Applescript, BCPL, Beta, Bourne Shell, Clarion, Clean, Eiffel, Erlang, Euphoria, Haskell, Inform, IO, Lua, Mantis, MAPLE, MATHEMATICA, MANTIS, MAPLE, MATHEMATICA, MANTULA-2, MOTO, MS-DOS BATCH, Mumps, Oberon, Occam, OPL, OZ, Pike, Powerbuilder, Progress, Q, Scala, Slate, Verilog, Visual FoxPro, Whitespace, and XSLT.

Frequently Asked Questions

Q: What is the language definition you adopted? A: The definition we use is "any language that can operate data, whether interpretial or compiling". Based on this definition, such as HTML and XML are not considered. The ASP is not because it is considered to use other languages ​​such as JavaScript and VBScript. Q: What is the dialect of language groups (a class of languages)? A: Some languages ​​are classified as a class because they are very similar. Visual Basic, QBASIC, Microsoft Basic, etc. are an example. VB.NET is an exception because it is too much different from classic Visual Basic. Calculation of a class of language ranks is the language that uses the largest used. By the way, in our opinion, there are many different languages, so they are calculated separately.


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