Many unexpected information allxt: foo (Essentials) Search password: (quotation marks expressed as accurate search) Of course we can extend to the above results to perform secondary search "index of" htpasswd / passwd "Config.php" a al Service fileType: PWD .... or some of the password suffix CIF, such as PCANywhere, is more and more interesting, come more sensitive information. "Robots.txt" "Disallow:" FileType: txt ]inurl: _vti_cnf (FrontPage's key index, scanner CGI library is generally) /../../../.. ) Or Desktop port, etc. Webmin port 10000 That is, it is said that I can try to check the database search, which will be developed against the current popular SQL injection. "DUMPING DATA for Table" Username Password INTITLE: "http_user_Agent = Googlebot" "http_user_anget = Googlebot" ths admin Check multiple keywords: m "Report generated by" "ipconfig" "winipconfig" "winipconfig" Google Cache Utilization (Hoho, the most influential thing) recommended everyone to search for "searchak all sites" "Special recommendation: administrator users, etc., such as name, birthday, etc.