Network package detection software

zhaozj2021-02-11  218

Network package detection software DSoft Sniffer 2.9 is a good ShareWare, but there is time limit, how to remove it? The following is the core part of Delphi5.

Var r: Tregistry; T: DWORD; begin r: = Tregistry.create; try r.Rootkey: = HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE; R.OpenKey ('/ Software / DSoft / license / Products / 3/2', true); T: = DWORD (R.Readinteger ('lastdate')); // Pass While Sniffer IS Installed. R.WriteInteger ('Lastdate', $ 8F904923); Except T: = $ fffffff; end;; if t = fffffff then Application.MessageBox ( 'DSoft Sniffer 2.9 not installed!', 'Error', MB_OK MB_ICONERROR) else Application.MessageBox ( 'Success! You may use it for a long time. :)', 'Message', MB_OK MB_ICONINFORMATION END;


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