In the WindowsXP system, based on MSXML 4.0 deployment applications, you have to write a list in the format below.
XML Version = "1.0" Encoding = "UTF-8" Standalone = "YES"?>
Version = "" Processrarchitecture = "x86" Name = "The name of the program you have written" TYPE = "Win32" /> TYPE = "Win32" Name = "Microsoft.msxml2" Version = "" Processrarchitecture = "x86" PublickeyToken = "4495b64144ccf1df" Language = "*" /> dependentassembly> dependency> askEMBLY> 1. 4. Deploy your application (have the following methods) a. Add: createProcess_manifest_Resource_id rm c. 程序 文件 文件 文件:: :.:: 例如: 例如: 例如::::: b. Add a list to your program installation file Windows Installer Package (.msi)