For Pocket PC users and developers, the Pocket PC based on Microsoft® Windows Mobile® 2003 is a very important milestone. Pocket PC 2003 is based on the new operating system Microsoft Windows® CE .NET 4.2, and is the first device that integrates Microsoft Windows .NET Compact Framework in the ROM. These improvements and other more features have laid new foundations for mobile applications. The purpose of this white paper is to discuss the major changes and new features provided by developers familiar with Windows Mobile 2003-based Pocket PC software development kits, and how to transition to Pocket PC 2003 devices and Pocket PC 2003 SDK. Download Pocket PC 2003 SDK (English) from Mobile - Devices Developer - Downloads.
In summary, the points of this article include:
Microsoft Windows .NET Compact Framework - .NET Compact Framework is included in the ROM of all new PCKET PC 2003 devices, which can also be installed in the RAM of the Pocket PC 2000 and Pocket PC 2002 devices. Microsoft Visual Studio® .NET 2003 - Pocket PC 2003 SDK is integrated into Visual Studio .NET 2003 IDE, and can be used from Microsoft Visual Basic® .NET and Microsoft Visual C #TM .NET. Embedded Visual Tools 3.0 - This development environment is no longer supported by the Pocket PC 2003 device. If you want to support the native code, you need to use Embedded Visual C ® 4.0 (install SP2), which is developed for managed code (.NET), you need to use Visual Studio .NET 2003. Embedded Visual C - Main changes related to the new operating system, Windows CE .NET, debugging, and remote tools. Embedded Visual Basic - Main changes include Pocket PC 2003 SDK does not support Embedded Visual Basic development. Existing Embedded Visual Basic applications can still run on the Pocket PC 2003 device to ensure backward compatibility. Embedded Visual Basic developers can use Visual Basic .NET if they want to continue to develop, and use the various functions of the new tool.
The main new features include:
New core operating system - Pocket PC 2003 devices run on Windows CE .NET 4.2. The new operating system can make the device more stable and faster. Microsoft Pocket Internet Explorer, Simulator Technology, Network Services, Microsoft Windows MediaTM technology is a wide range of fields that are generally improved. Simulator Enhancement - Simulation Environment is more stable, and supports three modes: Pocket PC 2003, PCKET PC Phone Edition 2003 (using Wavecom WMOD2B external GSM wireless modules support external wireless communication) and Pocket PC Phone Edition 2003 with virtual wireless communication. In addition, the new function of the emulator itself includes virtual exchange support, drive mapping, and GAPI support. Remote Configuration - This feature can be configured to Pocket PC (and SmartPhone) is a powerful method for local and remote custom devices. This feature can even be used in air transmission (OTA) schemes. Updated browser - Pocket Internet Explorer supports HTML 4.01, CSS, XHTML, WML 2.0, etc., has become a member of the Internet browser family. Phone Edition Support - Improvements to the support of the Capture Incoming Short Message Service (SMS) message. Other features - There are many other new features available for research and use. Other overview information can be seen in the following webpage:
Microsoft Windows Pocket PC and Smartphone Developer Portal (English)
Embedded Developer Center
Mobility Developer Community (English)
.NET Compact Framework (English)
Embedded Visual C 4.0 (English)
Pocket PC 2003 changes to developers
This chapter introduces the transition to the Pocket PC 2003 SDK for the change provided by the Pocket PC developer.
Embedded Visual Tools 3.0
When developing a Pocket PC 2003 application, you cannot use Embedded Visual Tools 3.0. However, this toolset is still required for Pocket PCs 2000 and 2002. Fortunately, considering that you may need to maintain and support existing applications, the new tool can coexist with them. Therefore, install Embedded Visual C 4.0 (Pocket PC 2003 no longer supports Embedded Visual Basic development, see the independent chapter below) and Visual Studio .NET tools (such as Visual Studio .NET 2003, .NET Compact Framework, etc.) Keep the installed Embedded Visual Tools 3.0.
Changes provided for Embedded Visual C developers
If you need to develop a non-hosting application (native code) for Pocket PC with C , you still need to use Embedded Visual C . You cannot use the new tool (Visual Studio .NET 2003) to build a non-hosting application. If the target device is Pocket PC 2003 or next-generation SmartPhone, you need to use Embedded Visual C 4.0 installed in Service Pack 2. You cannot develop, deploy or debug Pocket PC 2003 and the next-generation SmartPhone application. However, since these two tool sets can coexist, Pocket PC 2000 and 2002 applications can still be maintained in the same PC. When you transition from Embedded Visual C 3.0 to Embedded Visual C 4.0, you will first find that you do not support automatic upgrade project files. For this issue, the simplest solution is to create a new empty Embedded Visual C 4.0 project, then manually add the source file.
Most changes in Embedded Visual C 4.0 are related to the new operating system Windows CE .NET used in Pocket PC 2003. But the tool itself has a lot of other features. Most of these features are related to debugging and remote tools.
When debugging in Embedded Visual C 4.0, C exception processing is supported. In addition to the standard Microsoft Win32® API structured exception handling (SEH), you can now use to process any type of abnormal features, make sure your code has better portability and flexibility. You can also access runtime type information (RTTI) to determine the object type.
An interesting debugging function is able to connect to an activity process. That is to say, even if there is an application hang, and the debugger is not started, you can also connect to the process by selecting the menu option building, Start Debug (Startup), Attach to Windows CE Process. . In the list of active processes, provide the path to the executable program in the PC, and then the debugger will start and connect to the selected process. Another special feature is that real-time debug hooks, which allows you to diagnose unprocessed exceptions instead of terminating applications. If a breakpoint is set, you can terminate all threads in the multi-threaded application.
When using Embedded Visual C 4.0, there is a new tool called Remote Call Profilter. You can use this tool to track calls in the application being executed in a variety of ways. There is also a remote performance monitor (Remote Performance Monitor) that allows developers to monitor multiple predefined specifications in real time (similar to Microsoft Windows XP Performance Monitor).
Other features also support internal functions (compiled as a function called inline code rather than function calls), ATL process external project wizard (used to create COM process external servers) and standard template library (Standard Template Library, abbreviated as STL, support access The most common algorithm and subset of data structures).
For more information on upgrading to EVC 4.0 and Windows CE .NET, see the White Paper Embedded Visual C 4.0 and Windows CE .NET (English). Changes provided for Embedded Visual Basic developers
Microsoft announced in the fall of 2001 that it will continue to develop Embedded Visual Basic for new .NET platforms and tools for various devices. Therefore, the Pocket PC 2003 SDK does not support Embedded Visual Basic development, and the ROM of the Pocket PC 2003 device does not include Embedded Visual Basic and AdoCe runtime. However, Embedded Visual Basic and AdoCe Runkers can be downloaded in the Internet: Pocket Pc-Downloads - Embedded Visual Basic (English), and can be installed in the RAM of the Pocket PC 2003 device. That is to say, existing Embedded Visual Basic applications can still run on the Pocket PC 2003 device, so developers can still use the Embedded Visual Basic and Pocket PC 2002 SDK for Pocket PC 2003 devices.
Embedded Visual Basic developers If you want to continue to develop, you can use Visual Basic .NET and use the various functions of the new tool. From a language perspective, the biggest change is that Visual Basic .NET is an object-oriented new language that uses public .NET Compact Framework class libraries including common methods, properties, and events (such as SYSTEMs for Windows forms). .Windows.forms and for managing databases are built. Internal support for common tasks (such as strict types, using classes, calling XML Web Service, and Structured Abnormally), greatly improved the low efficiency of Embedded Visual Basic developers.
Convert the Embedded Visual Basic code to Visual Basic .NET code, no wizard or automatic process. You must be transplanted manually, during which you need to carefully check and modify:
Language syntax - Embedded Visual Basic is a VB scripting language, so the syntax difference may be large depending on the type of code. Implementation of the public code library - need to port existing Embedded Visual Basic Public Code Bases. Since the class is now supported, the implementation and use of the code base may be different. In addition, since the .NET Compact Framework is a subset of the .NET Framework, the development of the Pocket PC can now be used to use some existing Visual Basic .NET class libraries. Application Navigation and Control Stream - Form Management and Application Navigation is processed by the type in System.Windows.Forms, which is different from the Embedded Visual Basic. Database - Data Access is processed by ADO.NET subset. Microsoft provides a managed data provider for Microsoft SQL Server 2000 Windows CE Edition 2.0 (SQL Server CE 2.0). The .NET Compact Framework does not include managed types for accessing local data storage (sometimes called CEDB or Pocket Access), which are widely used in Embedded Visual Basic developers. The management and operation of XML - XML is built-in support. XML Web Service - Embedded Visual Basic does not provide built-in support for calling remote components. A third party support must be used to call and use the remote components. Support XML Web Service is one of the core types of .NET Compact Framework, is considered to be the main integrated mechanism in the entire .NET Framework. Since the relevant workload of system integration is usually large in most developments, it is likely to rewrite the system integration code. Abnormal Handling - Embedded Visual Basic is incorporated by four words "IF ERROR RESUME NEXT" and unlimited loop "IF Err.Number <> 0 THEN" statement. Use try........................................ In the following example, we compare the exception handling in Embedded Visual Basic .NET. The sample code first opens a text file and then reads the line to the end of the file. This is the concept that most Basic programmers are familiar with.
You will need to add if Err.Number <> 0 statements to capture and process exceptions in Embedded Visual Basic, see the following code:
' turn on
DIM Sline as string
DIM file as filectl.file
Set file = creteObject ("filectl.file")
Screen.mousepointer = 11
'Handling errors by "Resuming Next"
ON Error ResMe next
'Open Application Settings "/Appdata.txt", FSModeInput
'Check if an error occurs
IF Err.Number <> 0 THEN
Msgbox "File Could Not Be Opened!", Vbcritical, "Error"
'Circulation in the file
Do While Not File.eof
'Read by line
Sline = file.lineinputstring
'Check if an error occurs
IF Err.Number <> 0 THEN
MsgBox "Data Could Not Be Retrieved!", Vbcritical, "Error"
Screen.mousepointer = 1
'Close file
The code starts with the ON Error Resume next statement, which means that even if an error occurs, the code continues to perform the next line. Err-Object contains all possible errors that have occurred. The developer can insert the code to handle errors after the error is 0 after each line code. That is to say, the developer needs to guess the rows that may lead to errors throughout the code. Let's take a look at how the Visual Basic .NET code handles exception, although it has improved in an abnormal handling:
'Open data file
DIM Sline as string
Dim File As StreamReader
Cursor.current = Cursors.Waitcursor
'Have an error by try-catch-finally
File = new ("/ appdata.txt")
While file.readline <> Nothing
Sline = file.readline
End while
File.close ()
Catch exception
Case "filenotfoundexception"
Msgbox ("Unable to open the file!", Msgboxstyle.critical,
Case Else
Msgbox ("Unable to retrieve data!", Msgboxstyle.critical,
File.close ()
Cursor.current = Cursors.default
All basic code for processing file management is in the TRY block, and the code is handled in the Catch block, and the code is assumed to run after the TRY and CATCH blocks. The code has great improvements in the organization, and all possible exceptions are also handled, so the code readability and the stability of the application are improved.
For more information on transition from Embedded Visual Basic to Visual Basic .NET, see White Pass Moving from Embedded Visual Basic To Visual Basic .NET. Article Application Development Landscape for Windows CE .NET (English) and Choosing A Windows Embedded API: Win32 VS. The .NET Compact Framework (English) provides details for specific programming tasks to select the API. The selection of the API finally determines the selection of the development tool: Embedded Visual C 3.0 / 4.0 or Visual Studio .NET.
Pocket PC 2003 new features provided by developers
This section discusses the transition to the Pocket PC 2003 SDK for the change provided by the Pocket PC developer. By default, the Pocket PC 2003 SDK documentation in C: / Program Files / Windows CEOLS / WCE420 / POCKET PC 2003 / HELP contains a lot of information about new features provided by developers. Document content points include: "What's New With Microsoft Windows Power Power Pocket PC 2003" (New Features of Microsoft Windows Powered Pocket PC 2003)
"Working with the Pocket PC Emulator" (using a Pocket PC emulator)
"Programming the Pocket PC" (programming for Pocket PC)
"Pocket PC User Interface Guidelines" (Pocket PC User Interface Guide)
The SDK document also contains many valuable example projects.
New core operating system
Pocket PC 2003 is built on Windows CE 4.20, while Pocket PC 2000 and Pocket PC 2002 are constructed above Windows CE 3.0. Windows CE is an operating system built by modularization, that is, the core operating system contains modules and services used when building an operating system new instance. The device built on Windows CE 4.20 does not automatically contain all features of Windows CE 4.20, and the Pocket PC 2003 is also true. The figure below shows the modularity of Windows CE 4.20.
Figure 1: Windows CE 4.20 is a modular operating system
New operating system features in Windows CE 4.20 have a certain impact on actual devices and Pocket PC 2003 SDK. These features are:
Improved emulator new and improved Bluetooth support kernel enhancements, thereby improving performance and saving the ROM space next-generation network layer protocol (such as TCP / IPv6) support. TCP / IPv6 supports larger address space. Improved Display Driver New File System (Binary ROM Image File System) allows the Pocket PC 2003 device to support NOR or NAND flash, and then require the page of the module to be executed in the RAM. This will provide flexibility to OEM to weigh the NAND, NOR or RAM in the device.
For more information on new features and related content, see Windows CE 4.20 Document (English).
New tool
Pocket PC 2003 Software Development Kit (SDK) Document describes all new SDK tools and other tools, such as the Message Queuing (MSMQ) for Pocket PC in Windows, which is used for the HTTP Server and SQL Server CE of Pocket PC. These tools include:
Cabwiz.ddf - Create a template instruction file for a CAB file. Cabwiz.exe - Command Line Utility, you can use the instruction file as a parameter, build a .cab file with program files and configuration instructions. For additional information, see "Using BBWIZ" topic in the SDK help documentation. Emuascfg.exe - This tool can configure ActiveSync and Pocket PC emulators to allow an ActiveSync partner relationship to allow for Ethernet virtual exchange. Before running the tool, you must use Embedded Visual C to boot the Pocket PC emulator using the VirtualsWitch option. For information on use, type "Emuascfg.exe /?" On the command line. Rapiconfig.exe - Rapiconfig provides a method that enables configuration XML to execute on devices or emulators connected via ActiveSync. For information, type "Rapiconfig /?" On the command line. Simulator enhancement function
Pocket PC 2003 SDK includes a new simulation environment that can be implemented as a true virtual computer for copying of hardware running Windows CE. Since the new simulation accurately represents the Windows CE operating system and PCKET PC components, the fidelity and similarities between the real Pocket PC device and the device simulation environment will greatly improve. Moreover, the new simulation is not limited to the Pocket PC of the Simulation English version. From the development perspective, the stability of the emulator has been greatly improved.
The Pocket PC 2003 emulator has three simulation modes: Pocket PC 2003, Pocket PC Phone Edition 2003 (using Wavecom WMOD2B external GSM wireless module supports external wireless communication) and Pocket PC Phone Edition 2003 with virtual wireless communication.
Figure 2: Pocket PC 2003 Simulator
Other content points:
The emulator supports the drive mapping Now, the emulator supports analog memory cards over a shared folder. When the folder is shared by the emulator, it will be displayed as a memory card, and the emulator will respond as a real device. Simulator Support Game API (GAPI) Pocket PC 2003 emulator image can now support GAPI. The new simulation can not run the new simulation with the old version of the new simulation (version 4.2) does not support the older versions in parallel. However, multiple instances of the new simulator can be run at the same time. The emulator supports Ethernet Synchronization Now, developers can use the VirtualSwitch driver and Embedded Visual C 4.0 to implement Ethernet with ActiveSync synchronization, and no longer need to use serial ports.
Remote configuration
Windows Powered SmartPhone inherits a variety of features of the Pocket PC, but the configuration manager structure is first introduced in Smartphone 2002. Now, Pocket PC 2003 supports the same configuration manager structure as Windows Powered Smartphone 2002.
The main components that process remote configurations are the configuration manager on the device. It processes all configuration requests and forwards these requests to individual configuration service providers (CSPs). Some important CSPs are used to process network connectivity, email settings, security policies, synchronization options, and application installations (or delete).
Let's take a look at the CSP used to handle the browser favorites, see how to use it to add a favorite link to the Pocket PC's Internet Explorer. CSP is controlled by providing a predetermined XML file to the CSP. Examples of this document are as follows:
This standard XML file includes two important parts. The first is the mounting section to specify a series of installation options. For example, the "NounInstall" option prevents configuration from displaying in the installed application list (setup / system / delete programs). The second part is the actual CSP configuration, here we can add to the developer community site collection. The favorites name is "business anyplace", pointing the URL is "". For more information, see the Device Management topic in the SDK. For more information on the configuration service provider (CSP) provided for Pocket PC 2003, see the CSP document in the SDK reference section.
There are a variety of methods for accessing the configuration manager:
The local configuration local access configuration management function is implemented by the DMProcessConfigXML function. This function enables submission of the Scalable Markup Language (XML) data, which causes a change in mobile device settings. Remote Configuration Pocket PC 2003 Phone Edition supports remote air transmission (OTA) configuration by promoting transmission mechanisms and security methods with the same wireless application protocol (WAP) on SmartPhone 2002. The mobile device processes the received OTA predetermined XML data. CAB specifies the format (CPF) to enable the device to read the predetermined XML file, need to name _Setup.xml and package it as a compressed file (.cab), or the CAB predetermined format (CPF) file, the extension is .cpf. Related commands: makecab.exe / d compress = off _Setup.xml balink.cpf
There are many ways to add CPF files (Balink.cpf) to the device. Just copy the file to the Pocket PC and click on the file to start the installation, or you can provide a file through the Air Transport (OTA). There are a variety of OTA options, the easiest way is to place the file on the web server and enter the URL in the Pocket PC Internet Explorer. You can also choose to use WAP PUSH, which can use Short Message Services (SMS) messages to enable configuration settings. When installing an application, use a CPF file, but the method of creating this file is quite different. Not using the standard MakeCAB utility, but use the Cabwiz utility (using CabwizSP in Smartphone installation). It uses standard installer information file (.inf), which is similar to the file used when creating a standard Pocket PC installation.
More information
For more information on how to work for remote configuration, see the Adaptation Kit for Mobile Operators help file included in the Pocket PC 2003 SDK.
Updated browser
Pocket Internet Explorer included in Pocket PC 2003 has great improvements compared to previous versions. It supports HTML 4.01, XHTML, and Cascreen Style Table (CSS), so it is a valid browser user on most applications. HTML 4.01 is the current web browser standard, and CSS support will open a large number of existing sites that use this standardized page layout. It is also a good supplement to the standard (HTML content for providing standard XML format). Especially when providing Web content to the mobile phone, XHTML has been used as a general standard. Similarly, upgrading to WML 2.0 is also very popular. WML 2.0 is the main WML 1.x standard converted to XHTML, and is also a general mobile phone standard. Microsoft JScript® Support (JScript 5.5) has now been upgraded to the same level as Microsoft Internet Explorer 5.5, that is, after the more complete document object model (DOM) combination, most scripts written for Desktop applications can be in Pocket PC 2003. Run. For a complete feature overview of the different versions of JScript, see Version Information. For detailed documents (including language reference, tutorials, and examples), please refer to Windows Script.
Support "Next GeneT" IPv6 can accelerate all mobile devices use unique addresses and true peer communication (even wireless communication). If you don't understand this content, see IPv6 Page ON MSDN.
In Pocket PC 2003, the way to support XML is the same as in Internet Explorer 5. However, there is no support backward compatible XML DOM in Internet Explorer 4, nor does data binding. However, through JScript, XML can access the DOM.
When you detect the Pocket PC 2003 device is being connected to the Web site, you can view the new proxy string (in the Internet Information Server, available in the http_user_agent server variable):
Mozilla / 4.0 (Compatible; Msie 4.01; Windows CE; PPC; 240x320)
For more information on implementing methods, see Make Your Web Applications Support Pocket PC (English).
Image support has also improved. PNG, JPEG, GIF, WMBP, 2BP, and BMP are built-in support. Moreover, you can now use image mapping and animation GIF. Third or third parties can also add support for other formats by scalable image libraries.
More information
For more information about the Internet Explorer of Pocket PC, see "Creating Online Content for Pc" in the "Writing Application for Pocket PC" in Pocket PC 2003 SDK (Create Online Content for PCKET PC "for Pocket PC (for Pocket PC) Content) section.
Phone Edition support
Support for Pocket PC Phone Edition 2003 also has a large improvement, the most obvious example is to enable the application to know the short message service (SMS) message. The Pocket PC 2003 SDK contains an example called Mapirule, which shows the implementation method. This example is a COM component that implements the ImailRuleClient interface. This interface and its method can enable developers to perform custom filtering rules for incoming messages, and properly process them in applications. This feature is suitable for Pocket PC 2003 and next-generation Smartphone platform. Let's look at an example IMailRuleClient interface in ProcessMessage method (parameter is IMsgStore * pMsgStore, ULONG cbMsg, LPENTRYID lpMsg, ULONG cbDestFolder, LPENTRYID lpDestFolder, ULONG * pulEventType, MRCHANDLED * pHandled) of the implementation process:
SizeDsproptagArray (1, SPTAEMAIL) = {1, PR_SENDER_EMAIL_ADDRESS};
Ulong cvalues = 0;
Spropvalue * pspvsubject = null;
SpropValue * pspvemail = null;
// Get a message from the input ID
// For SMS, theme is also a message body
PMSG-> getProps & Sptasubject, Mapi_Unicode, & CVALUES,
& pspvsubject);
/ / Get the address or phone number of the sender
PMSG-> getProps & Sptaemail, Mapi_Unicode, & CVALUES,
& pspvemail);
/ / Check "ZZZ" in the message
IF (wcsstr (pspvsubject-> value.lpszw, l "zzz")! = null)
Messagebox (null, pspvsubject-> value.lpszw, pspvemail-> value.lpszw,
/ / Delete the message and mark it as processed so that the message is not displayed in the inbox
DeleteMessage (Pmsgstore, PMSG, CBMSG, LPMSG, CBDestFolder, LPDestFolder,
PuleventType, PHANDLED);
// A "normal" message passed
First, retrieve the message (PMSG) and extract the topic (PSPVSUBJECT, SMS message) and sender (PSPVEMAIL, address, or phone number) from the message. If the message text includes "ZZZ", the message box will be displayed and the message text and sender are titled. If so, the message will also be removed from the inbox. The above code segment has been simplified than the actual example.
Other functions
In this section, you will see some other changes and new features.
The COM object is now using the free thread model - all new COM objects (including Active X controls) should be free threads to optimize their performance. For previously developed COM objects, whether the thread model can run properly, because the OS will perform runtime check to ensure the correct thread model. The SipState enumeration change to other header files - the SipState enumeration changes from Aygshell.h to shellapi.h. Code without shellapi.h before, and now you may need to include the header file. No longer supports certain CEMAPI string constants - no longer supports the following string constants defined in Cemapi.h: KszcapAmountTOFetch, Kszcapattachamount, KszcapageFilter, KszcapsmtPauthenticate, KszcapmoveTrash. new features
WAP Push Router Scalability Allows Customized Treatment of the message - Applications can intercept different types of WAP advance messages, and re-assigned to their routes of different promotion clients to customize custom processing by Pushrouter_xxx function declared in PushClient.h . Use the PUSH Router to register to advance the client to receive special types of advancement messages on the custom processing device. This function is orthogonal with SMS. Only GSM devices support this feature, the CDMA device does not support this feature. CAB files can be used to schedule mobile device - CAB files can be used as a transmission mechanism to schedule Pocket PC 2003 devices. L2TP / IPSec VPN Support - This technology allows mobile devices to use Layer 2 Tunnel Protocol (L2TP) connection and Internet Protocol Security (IPSec). The combination of L2TP and IPSec (ie, L2TP / IPSec) is a high security technology for connecting a remote access to virtual private network (VPN) through public networks (such as Internet). File Explorer Support Context Menu Extension - File Explorer now supports the context menu extension of the registered file type. It is implemented through the IconTextMenu interface and adds some new registry items. The context attribute of the input window is controllable-ShSetInputContext function to modify and query the context properties of the input window when the SHGETInputContext function allows runtime. These attributes include whether automatic correction and auto-completion is set for fields. SHSetInputContext also supports predefined context classes (such as "Phone" or "E-mail") that contains a set of specific settings for certain context functions. Notification can be forced to activate - Aygshell.h defines a new #define and shnf_displayon, which will force the display when the notification is triggered. Automatic hand gesture recognition is controlled - the NM_RecognizeGesture notification code defined in Commctrl.h provides Pocket PC 2003 application developers with the ability to decide whether to utilize automatic gestures in normal controls. Configuration Manager can configure more Email Service - Email Configuration Service Provider (CSP) allows you to configure internet protocol email services (such as IMAP4 and POP3) through the configuration manager structure of the device. You can register the "Custom Read" or "Combined Form" - CEMAPI.H Declared IMESSAGEFORMEX and IFORMPROVIDEREX interfaces allow the developer to register "inbox read" or "combination form that matches its application needs. "Custom Group. This form can be used to construct an EMS or MMS client. Now support IPv6 - Most Pocket PC 2003 APIs and components now support addressing of IPv6 classes. IDccmanSink2 is a receiving interface that supports IPv6 for notification of device connection to client applications. Bluetooth features better control - BTHGETMODE and BTHSETMODE functions declared in Bthutil.h provide the function of querying the current state of the Bluetooth Control Panel, or modify its status (Bluetooth Power Off], Connectable [Connectivity], Discoverable [ Can be found to be], etc.). Support for WAP - Pocket PC 2003 on SMS, like SmartPhone, supports WAP on SMS. summary
The new Pocket PC 2003 SDK contains all the features needed to design and develop mobile applications for new platforms and devices. Using Visual Studio .NET and Visual C # or Visual Basic .NET, you can play all the advantages of structured .NET programming; you can still create a native device application by using Embedded Visual C 4.0. Most applications written for Pocket PC 2002 can still run on the Pocket PC 2003 device, which ensures a continuous return on investment. Go now, use the new features in Pocket PC 2003 to enrich your user experience and improve your application's function. Download Pocket PC 2003 SDK (English). Author: Microsoft Source: Microsoft