Type conversion in c # .NET (1)
Border city madman
C, C (2002-09-02 10:13:37)
(This article is published in the computer world knowledge center on August 28, 2002)
Type conversion in C # .NET
Border city madman
C # coming out, there are some days. Recently, due to the needs of programming, some research on C # type conversion, the content involves C # pack box / unpacking / alias, numerical types of mutual conversion, character's ASCII code, and Unicode code, The conversion between the numerical strings and the value, the conversion between the string, and the character array / byte array, the conversion between the various numeric types, and the byte array, the hexadecimal output and some conversion of the date data Handling, share with you -
1. Pack, unpacking or alias
Many C # .NET books have an introduction Int-> int32 is a packing process, and it is the process of unboxing. The same is true for many other variables, such as Short <-> INT16, long <-> int64, etc. For general programmers, it is great to understand this process because these packing and unpacking actions can be done automatically, and do not need to write code for intervention. But we need to remember the relationship between these types, so we use "alias" to remember the relationship between them.
C # is the language of the full-to-object, completely thorough than Java-oriented object - it puts the simple data type through the default packing action into a class. INT32, INT16, INT64, etc., the corresponding class name, and those we are familiar, simple and easy to book, such as int, short, long, etc., we can call it as an alias such as int32, int16, int64.
So in addition to these three types, what kinds of "alias" are there? Commonly used some:
Bool -> System.Boolean (Boolean, its value is True or false)
Char -> system.char (character type, two bytes, indicating 1 Unicode character)
BYTE -> System.byte (byte, 1 byte, indicating 8 positive integers, range 0 ~ 255)
Sbyte -> system.sbyte (with symbolic byte, 1 byte, indicating 8-bit integer, range -128 ~ 127)
Ushort -> system.uint16 (no symbol short integer, 2 bytes, represent 16 positive integers, range 0 ~ 65, 535)
UINT -> System.uint32 (no symbol integer, 4 bytes, represent 32 positive integers, range 0 ~ 4, 294, 967, 295)
Ulong -> system.uint64 (no sign long integer, 8 bytes, indicating 64-bit positive integers, 20 to about 10)
Short -> System.Int16 (short integer, 2 bytes, 16-bit integer, range -32, 768 ~ 32, 767)
Int -> System.Int32 (integer, 4 bytes, representing 32-bit integers, range -2, 147, 483, 648 to 2, 147, 483, 647)
Long -> System.Int64 (long integer, 8 bytes, indicating 64-bit integers, scope - (10 19) times to 10 in 19) FLOAT -> System.single (single precision floating point , Accounting for 4 bytes)
Double -> system.double (double precision floating point, 8 bytes)
We can use the following code to make an experiment:
// this.TextBox1 is a text box, type is System.Windows.Forms.TextBox
// Design has set it to true in True
BYTE A = 1; char b = 'a'; short c = 1;
INT D = 2; long e = 3; uint f = 4; BOOL g = true;
THIS.TEXTBOX1.APpendText ("Byte ->" A.gettype (). FullName "/ N");
THIS.TEXTBOX1.APpendText ("char ->" b.gettype (). fullname "/ n");
THIS.TEXTBOX1.APpendText ("Short ->" c.gettype (). Fullname "/ N");
THIS.TEXTBOX1.APpendText ("Int ->" D.gettype (). Fullname "/ N");
THIS.TEXTBOX1.APpendText ("long ->" E.GETTYPE (). FullName "/ N");
THIS.TEXTBOX1.APpendText ("uint ->" f.gettype (). Fullname "/ n");
THIS.TEXTBOX1.APpendText ("Bool ->" g.gettype (). Fullname "/ N");
Create a button in the form and call the Testalias () function in its click event, we will see that the results of the operation are as follows:
Byte -> System.byte
Char -> system.char
Short -> System.Int16
Int-> system.int32
Long -> System.Int64
Uint -> system.uint32
Bool -> System.Boolean
This is enough to illustrate the corresponding classes of each other!
2. Mutual conversion between numerical types
The numerical types mentioned here include Byte, Short, Int, long, fload, double, etc., according to this order, various types of values can be automatically converted later. For example, assign a SHORT type data to an INT type variable, and the short value is converted to an INT value and then assigns an INT type variable. Such examples:
Private void testbasic () {
Byte a = 1; short b = a; int C = b; long d = C; float e = d; double f = e;
THIS.TEXTBOX1.APpendText ("Byte a =" a.tostring () "/ n");
THIS.TEXTBOX1.APpendText ("Short B =" B.toString () "/ n");
THIS.TEXTBOX1.APpendText ("INT C =" C. Tnowtring () "/ n");
THIS.TEXTBOX1.APpendText ("long d =" d.toString () "/ n");
THIS.TEXTBOX1.APpendText ("Float E =" E.TOString () "/ n");
THIS.TEXTBOX1.APpendText ("Double f =" f.toString () "/ n");
The compilation passed, the operation result is the value of each variable is 1; of course, their types are still the system.byte type ... System.double. Now let's try, if the order of assignment is, what is the order? Add a statement in the TestBasic () function:
INT g = 1;
Short h = g;
THIS.TEXTBOX1.APpendText ("h =" h.tostring () "/ n");
Result compilation error:
G: / Projects / Visual C # / Convert / Form1.cs (118): Unable to convert the type "int" implicit to "Short"
Among them, the 118 line of Form1.CS is the line of Short H = G.
At this time, if we insist on the conversion, it should be used to convert, which is often mentioned in the C language, which is to use the "(Type Name) variable name" form in the form of mandatory conversion. As described above, the modification is as follows:
Short g = 1;
BYTE H = (byte) g; // Mandatory for the value of the SHORT type G and then assigns the variable H after the value of the SHORT type G
THIS.TEXTBOX1.APpendText ("h =" h.tostring () "/ n");
Compilation passed, the result of the operation output h = 1, the conversion is successful.
However, if we use forced conversion, you have to consider a problem: SHORT type is -32768 ~ 23767, and the Byte type is 0 ~ 255, then if the size of the variable G exceeds the BYTE type What kind of situation will there be? Let's rewrite the code again, change the value to 265, and 255 big 10
Short g = 265; // 265 = 255 10
BYTE H = (byte) g;
This.TextBox1.AppendText ("h =" h.tostring () "/ n"); there is no error, but the result is not H = 265, but h = 9.
Therefore, when we are converting, it should be noted that the data converted cannot exceed the scope of the target type. This is not only reflected in the multi-byte data type (relative, as the short of the above example) is converted to a small byte type (relative, as the byte of the above), it is also reflected in the same number of symbol types and non-symbol types as the number of bytes. If you convert the 129 of Byte to Sbyte will overflow. The examples in this regard are different, and it will not be described in detail.
3. Character's ASCII code and Unicode code
Many times we need to get an English character ASCII code, or a Unicode code of a Chinese character character, or from the related encoding query which character is encoded. Many people, especially from the VB program to learn C #, will report why C # does not provide ready-made functions to do this - because there is ASC () function and chr () function in VB for this type Conversion.
But if you have learned C, you will clearly, we only need to convert English character data into a suitable numeric data, you can get the corresponding ASCII code; Converse, if a suitable numerical data is forced to convert Character data can get the corresponding characters.
The range of characters in C # expands, not only contains a single-byte character, but also contains double-byte characters, such as Chinese characters. The conversion between characters and encodings still extension of C language practices - forced conversion. Let's take a look at the example below
Private void testchar () {
CHAR CH = 'a'; short II = 65;
THIS.TEXTBOX1.APpendText ("The Ascii Code of / '" CH "/' IS:" (Short) CH "/ N");
THIS.TEXTBOX1.APpendText ("ASCII IS" II.TOString () ", The Char IS:" (Char) II "/ N");
Char cn = 'in'; Short UC = 22478;
THIS.TEXTBOX1.APpendText ("The Unicode Of / '" CN "/' IS:" (Short) CN "/ N");
This.TextBox1.AppendText ("Unicode Is" uc.tostring () ", The char is:" (char) uc "/ n");
Its operation result is
The Ascii Code of 'A' IS: 97
The Unicode of '' IS: 20013
Unicode is 22478, The Char is: City
From this example, we can understand that the character's encoding can be encoded, or the encoded characters can be obtained by forced conversion. If you are not Short type encoding, please refer to Article 1 for conversion, you can get the coded value of the INT. 4. Conversion between numerical strings and values
First of all, we have to understand what is a numeric string. We know that in C #, the string is represented by a number of characters contained in a pair of double quotes, such as "123". "123" is relatively special, because the characters that make up the string are numbers, such a string is a numerical string. In our eyes, this is a string of characters, but the computer only thinks it is a string, not a number. Therefore, when we are at some point, when entering a value, we convert a string into a value; at other times, we need the opposite conversion.
Converting numeric values into a string very simple because each class has a void toString () method. All numeric Void toString () methods can convert data to a numerical string. Such as 123.TOSTING () will result in a string "123".
So in turn, what should I do if the numeric string is converted into a value? Let's take a closer look, you will find a Static Parse () function. This function is used to convert a string into a corresponding value. We use a float type to convert as an example: float f = float.parse ("543.21"); its result f is 543.21F. Of course, other numerical types can also be converted using the same method, and the following examples can more clearly describe the method of conversion:
Private void teststringvalue () {
Float f = 54.321F;
String str = "123";
THIS.TEXTBOX1.APpendText ("f =" f.toString () "/ n");
IF (int.Parse (STR) == 123) {
THIS.TEXTBOX1.APpendText ("Str Convert to Int SuccessFully.");
} else {
THIS.TEXTBOX1.APpendText ("Str Convert to INT FAILED.");
operation result:
f = 54.321
Str Convert to int surpassfully.
5. Conversion between strings and characters arrays
String class system.string provides a void tocharaRray () method that enables strings to transition to character arrays. Such examples:
Private void teststringchars () {
String str = "mytest";
CHAR [] Chars = str.tochararray ();
THIS.TEXTBOX1.APpendText ("length of /" mytest / "is" str.length "/ n");
THISTEXTBOX1.APpendText ("Length of char Array IS" Chars.Length "/N" ;THIS.TEXTBOX1.AppendText ("CHAR [2] =" Chars [2] "/ n");
In the case, the results are tested in the length of the character array of conversion to the conversion, and the results are as follows:
Length of "Mytest" IS 6
Length of char Array IS 6
Char [2] = T
It can be seen that the result is completely correct, this shows that the conversion is successful. So in turn, how do you want to convert the character array into a string?
We can use the constructor of the System.String class to solve this problem. The System.String class has two constructor constructed by a character number, namely string (char []) and string [char [], int, int). The latter is more than two parameters because it can specify which part of the character array can be constructed. The former is a string with all the elements of the character array. We used to take the following statement as an example. In the teststringchars () function, enter the following statement:
Char [] tcs = {'t', 'e', 's',' t ',', 'm', 'e'};
String Tstr = New String (TCS);
This.TextBox1.AppendText ("TSTR = /" " TSTR " / "/ n");
Enter TSTR = "Test Me", the test instruction conversion is successful.
In fact, we often need to convert a string into a character array just to get a character in the string. If it is just for this purpose, it can not be able to convert the Master's move, we only need to use System.String [] operator to achieve the purpose. Please see the case, then add the following name in the TestStringChars () function:
THIS.TEXTBOX1.APpendText ("/" TSTR "/" [3] = " ch.toString ());
The correct output is "Test Me" [3] = T, tested, and the output is correct.