CC ++ is the language that the programmer must master?

zhaozj2021-02-11  232

the river is long and tempestuous, it was like a hero. Although the era of personal hero has become a past, we still can't forget such a role model. They are WPS asking for Bojun, CCDOS, DPRK, 2.13 Wu Xiaojun, Si Tong, Wang Zhidong, ccedo, Zhu Chongjun, UCDOS Bao Yue Bridge, etc. . Because they are not only a famous outstanding programmer, it is not only the characters that must be thought of when writing articles. It is more important that they are stunned by many programmers, firmly learn to assemble and c, can go to the world. And courage, they represent the brilliance of the Chinese software industry in the past. Over the years, we have been following this, and we have never doubt what is wrong. Even in DOS has become the past, Windows and Internets today, we have never been suspected. Can we doubt? There are too many examples in our eyes. Do we not see the operating system such as Linux and the kernel of many applications? Is it compiled with C? Even in colleges and universities, the wide opening of the C / C programming course is not a very good proof? Norton Utility Chief Designer Enrique Salem is not also considered "Everyone should use C "? Is there any doubt? It is true that we cannot deny the extraordinary charm of the C / C language. However, we can't help but ask, in Windows popular today, use Windows C to prepare an interface unique, powerful app, can you? Even if you can, how much time you need? Today, there are many program development tools to choose today, emphasizing that "C / C is the language must be mastered by the programmer" No one really dared to stand up and questioned?

In fact, today's world today, any application must pass the network verification. Whose software is easy to use, who will be recognized. In order to achieve such a goal, many Windows programmers have chosen to learn from Visual Basic, DEPHI, which can quickly and effectively develop. The E_BOOK e-reader is one of the examples, which is designed by Li Xiaodong. If this looks too pale, let's take a look at the development history of the C language from the past, and see why it develops so. As we all know, C language is the language of development in the 1970s. Since people envisage a language and high-level language advantages in a language, C is born. Based on its simple, compact, convenient and flexible, it will soon become a wide popular language. However, C language is the process of process-oriented language, data, and processing data, is separated. When modifying or deleting a certain segment, all the relevant parts of the entire program must be modified, so that the maintenance of the program code is more difficult. In order to avoid this happening, an object-oriented design method is referenced based on C. It is a corresponding function "package" of data and processing data to a class, and the use of class data variables is called object. In an object, the data of the object can only be accessed by a function belonging to the object. In this way, other functions will not be inadvertently destroyed, thereby achieving the effect of protecting and hiding data. This is C . Of course, object-oriented C also supports multiple inheritance, template, operator overload, inline function definition, pretreatment, macro, global static class variable, nested class definition, and more. C is too complicated, any company that uses C developers will pay more, because excellent C programmers are less and less. Based on software enterprise, people naturally need a language that is easy to use, object-oriented, safe and flexible, "New Generation Windows Services, Simple DeNGWS" application, and C # appears. It simplifies C functionality in all directions, making it simple and easy to learn from C . It does not neither C "tragic" pointer concept, nor "stupid" operations like "::", "." And "->". So we can also say that C # is the language that the programmer must master. However, we can't ignore this, the language is always a programmer, who is easy to use, support the latest technology and quickly and effectively carry out software development, who is the programmer's tool. If the above conclusion is not acceptable, let's take a look at the dilemma of C programmers now! For now, choosing C means choosing Visual C , not C Builder. This is the first piece of C programmer. Because the VC is compiled with Windows 98 / NT, the Visual C application of the same function is compiled, and its size is much smaller than C Builder. Not only that, but its stability and improvement procedures are much stronger than C Builder. However, "Visual C " has misleading a lot of people, they think they bought a fully visible programming system, similar to Visual Basic, and in the same day. However, people realize that they must actually write and read C code.


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