Windows Message Encyclopedia (2)

xiaoxiao2021-03-06  43

WM_CTLCOLOREDIT = $ 0133; when a editing control will send this message to its parent window; by responding to this message, the owner window can set the edit box for text and background by using the handle of a given related display device. Color WM_CTLCOLORLISTBOX = $ 0134; when a list box control will send this message to the parent window to it; by responding to this message, the owner window can set the text of the list box by using the handle of the given related display device. Background color WM_CTLCOLORBTN = $ 0135; When a button control will send this message to its parent window; by responding to this message, the owner window can set the text of the button with the handle of the given related display device. Background color WM_CTLCOLORDLG = $ 0136; When a dialog control will be sent to the parent window to it before being drawn; by responding to this message, the owner window can set the text of the dialog by using the handle of the given related display device. Background Color WM_CTLCOLORSCROLLBAR = $ 0137; When a scroll bar control will send this message to its parent window; by responding to this message, the owner window can set the background of the scroll bar by using the handle of the given related display device. Color WM_CTLCOLORSTATIC = $ 0138; When a static control will send this message to its parent window; by responding to this message, the owner window can set the text and background of the static control by using the handle of the given related display device. color WM_MOUSEFIRST = $ 0200; WM_MOUSEMOVE = $ 0200; // move the mouse WM_LBUTTONDOWN = $ 0201; // press the left mouse button WM_LBUTTONUP = $ 0202; // release the mouse button WM_LBUTTONDBLCLK = $ 0203; // double click WM_RBUTTONDOWN = $ 0204; // press the mouse right WM_RBUTTONUP = $ 0205; // release the right mouse button WM_RBUTTONDBLCLK = $ 0206; // double right mouse button WM_MBUTTONDOWN = $ 0207; // middle mouse button WM_MBUTTONUP = $ 0208; // release the mouse button WM_MBUTTONDBLCLK = $ 0209; // Double- Mouse button WM_MOUSEWHEEL = $ 020A; send this message when the mouse wheel rotates, the current focus control WM_MouseLast = $ 020A; WM_ParentNotify = $ 0210; When the MDI sub-window is created or destroyed, or the user presses the mouse button and the cursor will send this message to the parent window WM_EnterMenuloop = $ 0211; send this message to notify the application The main window That has entered the menu loop mode WM_EXITMENULOOP = $ 0212; send this message to notify the application's main window That has exited menu loop mode WM_NEXTMENU = $ 0213; wm_sizing = 532; When the user is adjusting the window to send this message to the window; This message application can monitor window sizes and locations, you can also modify their wm_capturechanged = 533; send this message to the window When it lost the captured mouse; WM_MOVING = 534; When the user sends this message when the user is sent, the message is applied The program can monitor the window size and position can also modify them; WM_PowerBroadcast = 536; This message is sent to the application to inform it about power management events; WM_DeviceChange = 537;

Sent when the hardware configuration of the device changes the message to the application or device driver WM_IME_STARTCOMPOSITION = $ 010D; WM_IME_ENDCOMPOSITION = $ 010E; WM_IME_COMPOSITION = $ 010F; WM_IME_KEYLAST = $ 010F; WM_IME_SETCONTEXT = $ 0281; WM_IME_NOTIFY = $ 0282; WM_IME_CONTROL = $ 0283; WM_IME_COMPOSITIONFULL = $ 0284; WM_IME_SELECT = $ 0285; WM_IME_CHAR = $ 0286; WM_IME_REQUEST = $ 0288; WM_IME_KEYDOWN = $ 0290; WM_IME_KEYUP = $ 0291; WM_MDICREATE = $ 0220; application sends this message to the client window multiple document to create an MDI child window WM_MDIDESTROY = $ 0221; application Send this message to the multi-document client window to close a MDI sub-window WM_MDIACTIAACTIAACTIAACTIAACTIAACTIAFTIAACTIAACTIAACTIAACTIAACTIAACTIAFTE = $ 0222; the application sends this message to the multi-document client window to activate another MDI sub-window, when the customer window receives this message, it Send a WM_MDIACTIVE message to the MDI sub-window (not activated) to activate it; WM_MDIRESTORE = $ 0223; program sends this message to the MDI customer window to restore the sub-window from the maximum minimum size WM_MDINEXT = $ 0224; program sends this message to the MDI customer window activation The next or the previous window WM_MDIMAXIMIZE = $ 0225; the program sends this message to maximize a MDI sub-window to the MDI customer window; WM_MDITILE = $ 0226; program sends this message to the MDI client window to rearrange all MDI sub-window WM_MDICADE = $ 0227; Program Send this message to the MDI customer window to rearrange all MDI sub-window WM_MDIICONARRANGE = $ 0228; program sends this message to rearrange all minimized MDI sub-window WM_MDiGetACTIVE = $ 0229; program Send this message to MDI Customer window to find the handle of the activated sub-window WM_MDisetMenu = $ 0230; the program sends this message to the MDI customer window Instead of the sub-window with MDI Menu WM_ENTERSIZEMOVE = $ 0231; WM_EXITSIZEMOVE = $ 0232; WM_DROPFILES = $ 0233; WM_MDIREFRESHMENU = $ 0234; WM_MOUSEHOVER = $ 02A1; WM_MOUSELEAVE = $ 02A3; WM_CUT = $ 0300; program sends the message to an edit box or combobox to remove The currently selected text wm_copy = $ 0301; the program sends this message to a edit box or ComboBox to copy the currently selected text to the clipboard WM_PASTE = $ 0302; the program sends this message to the editcontrol or ComboBox gets data from the clipboard WM_CLEAR = $ 0303; program Send this message to eDitControl or ComboBox clear the currently selected content; WM_UNDO = $ 0304; program sends this message to EditControl or ComboBox revoke last operation WM_Renderformat = $ 0305;

WM_RENDERALLFORMATS = $ 0306; WM_DESTROYCLIPBOARD = $ 0307; When the EnPtyClipboard function is called to send this message to the owner of the clipboard WM_DRAWCLIPBOARD = $ 0308; send this message to the first window of the clipboard to observe the chain when the content changes of the clipboard; it allows Clipboard Watch window to display new content of the clipboard; WM_PaintClipboard = $ 0309; when the clipboard contains data in the CF_OWNERDIPLAY format and the clipboard observation window needs to be heavy; WM_VSCROLLLPBOARD = $ 030A; WM_SIZECLIPBOARD = 030b; when the clipboard contains CF_OWNERDIPLAY format data and the size of the client area of ​​the clipboard observation window has changed that this message is sent to the owner of the clipboard via the clipboard watch window; WM_ASKCBFORMATNAME = $ 030c; send this message to the clipboard through the clipboard watch window Let's request a clipboard of a CF_OWNERDISPLAY format WM_CHANGECBCHAIN ​​= $ 030D; send this message to the first window of the clipboard observe the chain when the window is removed from the clipboard observation chain; WM_HScrollClipboard = $ 030E; this message passes A clipboard observation window sent to the owner of the clipboard; it occurs when the clipboard contains data in the CFOWNERDispaly format and has an event on the horizontal scroll bar of the clipboard viewing window; the owner should scroll the clipboard image and update scrolling The value of the bar; WM_QUERYNEWPALETTE = $ 030f; This message is sent to the window to receive the focus, this message can make the window when you receive the focus, have the opportunity to achieve his logical palette WM_PALETTEISCHANGINGING = $ 0310; when an application is When you implement its logical palette, you send this message to all applications WM_Palettechanged = $ 0311; this message is sent to all top-level and overlapping windows after implementing its logical palette after a window with focus. Change the system palette WM_HOTKEY = $ 0312; submit this message when the user is pressed by the hotkey registered by the RegisterhotKey function; the application sends this message only as part of the request request request request request request requirements ; Wm_printclient = 792; wm_handheldfi RST = 856; WM_HANDHELDLAST = 863; WM_PENWINFIRST = $ 0380; WM_PENWINLAST = $ 038F; WM_COALESCE_FIRST = $ 0390; WM_COALESCE_LAST = $ 039F; WM_DDE_FIRST = $ 03E0; WM_DDE_INITIATE = WM_DDE_FIRST 0; a DDE client to submit the message starts a program with the server The session responds to the specified program and theme name; WM_DDE_TERMINATE = WM_DDE_First 1; a DDE application (whether a customer or server) submits this message to terminate a session; WM_DDE_ADVISE = WM_DDE_FIRST 2; a DDE client submits this message A DDE service program requests the server whenever the data item is updated when the data item changes when the data item changes, a DDE client notifies a DDE service that does not update the specified item or a special clipboard format Item WM_DDE_ACK = WM_DDE_FIRST 4; This message notifies a DDE (

Dynamic Data Exchange) program has been received and is being processed WM_DDE_POKE, WM_DDE_EXECUTE, WM_DDE_DATA, WM_DDE_ADVISE, WM_DDE_UNADVISE, or WM_DDE_INITIAT message WM_DDE_DATA = WM_DDE_FIRST 5; submit a DDE message to the service program a DDE client to transfer a data item to the client or Inform the customer's available data item WM_DDE_REQUEST = WM_DDE_FIRST 6; a DDE client submits this message to a DDE service program to request a value of a data item; WM_DDE_POKE = WM_DDE_First 7; a DDE client submits this message to a DDE service Program, customer uses this message to request the server to receive an unadcoming data item; the server passes whether the WM_DDE_ACK message prompts whether it receives this data item; WM_DDE_EXECUTE = WM_DDE_First 8; a DDE client submits this message to a DDE service program Send a string to the server to let it be in the serial command, the server responds by submitting the WM_DDE_ACK message; WM_DDE_LAST = WM_DDE_First 8; WM_APP = $ 8000; WM_USER = $ 0400; This message can help the application custom private message; / Notification Message refers to such a message, some of the child controls in one window, need to notify the parent window. The notification message is only available for standard window controls such as buttons, list boxes, combo boxs, edit boxes, and Windows 95 public controls such as tree views, list views, etc. For example, click or double-click a control, select some text in the control, and the scroll bar of the operating control will generate a notification message.


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