This article is a spanzhang original, its blog address is: Quote or repost, please indicate the source, thank you! ! I don't know if it is good or called lesson, always saying that it is just a small problem, only suitable for beginners. If you don't think of beginners, it is best not to see it. Q1: When writing the Pocket PC program with C #, you want to display a form that does not occupy all screen space. A1: Tune the form size; set it to none to NONE. As shown below: Q2: My form is covered by soft keyboard, how to control its display and hide. A2: Use the APIPUBLIC STICTIC TIT SIPF_OFF = 0x00; // soft keyboard to turn off public static uint sipf_on = 0x01; // soft keyboard open
[DLLIMPORT ("Coredll.dll")] Public Extern Static Void SipShowim (uint dwflag); / / soft keyboard operation function Q3: I want to rotate the screen? ? ? A3: Mission Imposible!