Borland Product News

zhaozj2021-02-11  207

Borland publishes the design, development and deployment of EnterprisesTudio for Windows Unified Windows platform. The full kit includes Borland Delphi 6 and Rational Rose, which is used to integrate response speed, reduce cost and maintain design integrity.

SCOTTS VALLEY Report - January 8, 2002 - NASDAQ NM: BORL today announced the launch of Borland® Enterprise Studio for Windows®, a leading industry, a comprehensive industry . This product is designed for companies that require perfect development, security, and reliable deployment platforms and UML modeling capabilities, which offer a complete solution for Windows platforms from design to deployment solutions.

This product integrates the best classic products from the industry leader to the model drive system (MDA) environment, which is committed to reducing their overall cost costs, accelerating the time to go to the market and maintain design integrity throughout the development process. MDA is a framework that allows applications to respond and continuously respond and continuously respond and continuously respond, which provides faster steering times to accommodate new technology and business practices.

This product provides first-class design and modeling capabilities by binding Borland® DelphiTM 6, Boldsoft Rose® and Bold® For DelphiTM. The product also includes the development protocol of Borland® Enterprise Server, Web version, and you can choose to bind Macromedia® Dreamweaver® UltradevTM 4. Through this product, companies can simplify the modeling, development and deployment of senior enterprise applications, enabling to build easy management and maintenance throughout the life cycle.

"Borland Enterprise Studio for Windows and Boldsoft system development software have improved our application development capabilities, dramatic reduction costs, and ultimately improve the strongness and stability of the PARLIAMENT file management system," Lars Hellstrom, Senior Project Manager of SwedishParliament.

"Through Borland Enterprise Studio for Windows, Borland is turning from a single product from a single product from a single product from a single product to provide a wider range of Windows development and deployment features," said the general manager of Borland's RAD department and deputy director SIMON THornhill. "This product enables the company to reduce the risk of innate risks in today's Internet environment by providing deployment options for security and reliable web servers, accelerating the response of development cycle.

Borland Enterprise Studio for Windows:

Borland Delphi 6 Entertainment-Includes Borland Delphi 6, the first Windows fast development environment that supports new, existing Web Service, supports companies and individual developers more quickly and easily establish precision complex e-commerce applications. Delphi6 fully supports Web Service standard XML, SOAP, XSL, and WSDL, which can be directly integrated with the Web Services platform that has already appeared, such as Microsoft's .NET and BizTalk, Sun Microsystem's ONE.

Borland Enterprise Server, Web Edition-Borland Enterprise Server, Web Version, is a complete, scalable strong web application deployment platform. The Web version integrates Borland's Apache technology-based Web Server and Delphi technology, making it a web application and a WebService ideal deployment platform designed developed by Studio. The Borland Enterprise Server uses the most widely deployed Borland Visibroker product in the market. Rational Rose, industry-leading development modeling tools, integrated modeling environments and development environments, modeling business processes and application logic using standard UML. Rational Rose Professional Data Modeling Versions allow database designers, business analysts, and developers working together as a team in common languages.

Rational Unified Process® - Rational Unified Process (RUP®) is a software engineering process for web mechanisms that provide a large number of strategies, templates, and routine enhanced team productivity.

Bold for Delphi - Bold for delphi delivers a powerful model-driven system business object framework for connecting the UML modeling environment of Rational Rose and the application design environment of Delphi.

Macromedia Dreamweaver UltradevTM 4 - Dramweaver Ultradev 4 is a professional customer-friendly, visual web development environment, the product code friendly features and separation panels for synchronizing display code and design can be accelerated speed. Using UltraDev, developers can quickly implement design changes, integrate business objects, create menus and buttons using Macromedia Falsh technology.

Price and availability

Borland Enterprise Studio for Windows is expected to have two versions of the market after this month: Borland Enterprise for

Windows and BorlandEnterprise Studio for Windows with Macromedia Dreamweaver Ultradev 4. Additional information for each version of the feature is visited

Borland Enterprise Studio for Windows is a complete solution product from design to deployment, which integrates modeling, development, and deployment of Windows-based business and e-commerce solutions. By bundle Borland Delphi 6 development environment, the Rational Unified ProcessDe software best practices framework and Rational Rose, product integrate design, modeling capabilities, and team productivity. Bold for Delphi, used to connect these technologies, Borland Enterprise Server, Web Edition, as a complete, upgradeable, robust deployment platform, its complete framework saves time, improves quality and improvement of technical investment. By integrating a leading development to a single, easy-to-use package, Studio simplifies the cycle of application (development) and accelerates the time of the product into the market. This product can also use Macromedia's Dreamweaver Ultra 4, a professional choice for web environment design. To get the additional features and advantages of Borland Enterprise Studio for WindDows, please visit:


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