The Manage DirectX section of DirectX 9.0 includes the following nine assemblies.
Microsoft.DirectX.AudioVideoPlayback.dllMicrosoft.DirectX.Diagnostics.dllMicrosoft.DirectX.Direct3D.dllMicrosoft.DirectX.Direct3DX.dllMicrosoft.DirectX.DirectDraw.dllMicrosoft.DirectX.DirectInput.dllMicrosoft.DirectX.DirectPlay.dllMicrosoft.DirectX.DirectSound.dllMicrosoft. Directx.dll
In fact, there are such an assembly to develop DirectX to develop DirectX with C #, that is, just installing a normal DirectX 9 runtime library (DirectX 9.0 End-User Runtime) is OK.
Microsoft is recommended to install DirectX 9.0 Developer Runtime, which is actually the set, but there are more information on debugging. DirectX9.0 SDK for C # does not include any version of Runtime, that is, no 9 assemblies. It includes only examples and documents.
So there are two ways to solve. 1. Under Microsoft DirectX 9.0 Developer Runtime, it seems to have more than 100 megabytes. 2. Install normal DirectX 9.0 Runtime, then take 9 DLLs from the global assembly cache (C: / Windows / Assembly / GAC), you can take C: /Windows / V4.09.00. In 0900, this is the directory established by SDK.
Another: DirectX9.0 SDK for C # is designed for VS.NET 2002, and will add a directory in the MSDN. But there is no two in 2003, and Microsoft has a patch for 2003 documents, and the content is the same. DirectX 9.0B Documentation for .NET Framework 1.1 And Visual Studio .NET 2003. The project template can be manually changed. C # AND DirectX Some information, the most basic or Microsoft website MSDN.
Http:// /TAM/Directx/ Related DirectX9.0B SDK here Download: FamilyId = 61cdd2d4- C67E-4BDF-8BDE-99709B090ED6 & DISPLAYLANG = EN