Some configuration instructions in Tomcat (transfer)
1. How to increase the number of Tomcat connections
In the
The maximum number of web services allowed is also subject to the operating system's kernel parameter setting, usually Windows is about 2,000, Linux is about 1000. How to set these parameters in UNIX, see the configuration example in the UNIX common monitoring and management command Tomcat4:
Port = "8080" MINPROCESSORS = "10" maxprocessors = "1024" Enablelookups = "false" redirectport = "8443" Acceptcount = "1024" debug = "0" connectionTIMEOUT = "30000" /> Listening to other ports is pushed. 2. How to disable files in column directory in Tomcat In {Tomcat_Home} /conf/web.xml, set the listings parameter to false, as follows: ... init-param> ... servlet> 3. How to increase the memory you can use by Tomcat Tomcat can be used by default to 128MB, in larger application items, this memory is not enough, it needs to be protected. Under UNIX, in front of the file {tomcat_home} /bin/, add the following settings: java_opts = '- XMS [Initialization Memory Size] -XMX [The maximum memory you can use] "Need to turn this two parameter values . For example: java_opts = '- XMS256M -XMX512M' indicates that the initialization memory is 256MB, and the maximum memory that can be used is 512MB.