Delphi has the characteristics of powerful, simple and easy to use and code execution speed, and is a pioneer who is recognized in the world's recognized rapid application development tool technology. However, in the control of serial communication, Delphi's help documentation and other books are rarely mentioned, which is exactly what problems often encountered during the development of application systems. Programmers who have used VB know that VB's MSCOMM communication control has rich attributes and events related to serial communication, providing a series of standard communication commands, which can be used to create full-duplex, event-driven, efficient Practical communication program. Here you will introduce how to add MSCOMM ActiveX controls to Delphi and give full play to the superiority of both. First find the following three files under the VB installation directory: MSComm.Reg, MScomm32.ocx, mscomm32.dep, copy these three files to the system directory of Windows (Note Winnt is System32). The OCX control is then registered with the registration tool REGSVR32 under Windows, for example: regsvr32 ... system directory / mscomm32.ocx. After the registration is successful, use Notepad to open MSComm.reg, you can see the following: [HKEY_CLASS_ROOT / LICENSES / 4250E830- 6AC2-11cf-8ADB-00AA00C00905] @ = "kjljvjjjoquqmjjjvpqqkqmqykypoqjquoun", in order to properly use this control, you need to modify the registry, under construction in the HKEY_CLASSES_ROOT / Licenses a primary key in the registry: 4250E830-6AC2-11cf-8ADB-00AA00C00905 The content of the primary key is kjljvjjoquqmjjjvpqqqqmqykypoqjquoun. The system's system registration is completed. The rest is to import this ActiveX control in Delphi. Enter the Delphi environment to select Import ActiveX Control in the Component menu, then you can see in the list. Microsoft Comm Control 6.0 option, select this option Click the Install button to complete the installation. On the ActiveX control page, you can see a control for the icon icon, which is the MSCOMM control. This allows you to use the MScomm control as it is as convenient as in VB.