Contribution rule: Everything is contributing. Follow the CONFORMANCE: The plugin must follow the expected interface. Sharing rule: Increase, don't replace it. Monkey See / Monkey Do Rule: When you encounter a problem, you first copy the structure of the plugin. Related Rule: The operation you contribute only is displayed when the operation is likely to succeed. Intergration rule: To integrate, do not split. Responsibility rule: Clearly point out that the plugin you develop is the source of the problem. Program TO API Contract Rule: First check the Eclipse API contract and then program it for contract. "Other": Let users choose all things, but put those options that are usually not used in the Other dialog box. Adapt to IResource Rule: You should try to define the IResource adapter for the domain object. Strata rule: Separate language-independent features and specific language features, separating core functions with the UI function. User Continuity Rule: Between multiple sessions, the user interface should be maintained. The Invitation Rule: inviting others to contribute to your work as much as possible. Lazy Loading Rule: The plugin is only loaded when you really need it. Safety Platform Law: As the provider of the extension, you must protect yourself, don't let the expansion make a loss. Fair Play Rule: All users comply with the same game rules, including myself. Explicit Extension Rule: Explicitly explains where the cap can be expanded. Dissive Rule: An extension receives multiple extensions. Good fences rule: If you want to hand over the control of the program, first protect yourself. User Arbitration Rule: If there is a number of options, which one is determined by the user. Explicit API Rule: Separate the class used by the API and the plugin. Stability Law: If you have already invited other people to contribute, don't change the rules of the game. Conservative API rules: I only expose you confident API, but it should also be prepared to expose more APIs, because users will ask you to make a Publisher license (license rule): each contribution Products should provide a license.