(8) Introduction to VCARD, VNOTE, VCALENDER Format
Vcard is called an e-commerce card, which is mainly used to record contact information of communication, etc., and data exchange between different devices. Since the M55 mobile phone from the auto, a text message can be sent to the other party, which contains contact information in the VCARD format, and the other models of Siemens can receive decoding storage. In addition, the contacts transmitted to your computer via mobile phone infrared are also used. If Outlook is installed, you can open the VCARD directly and see the information it contains. The following is a brief introduction to the VCARD format, other vnote, vcalender formats and VCARDs, and will not be described again. For more detailed information, please refer to VCARD Specification, which is related to the author's homepage.
See the IRMC section of the Siemens Support Tool source code for VCARD, VNOTE, Vcalender. Net Simple Encoding Decoder.
Vcard Object (vcard object)
A VCARD data stream can contain one or more vCard Object. A VCARD Object is defined in the data stream to start with "Begin: Vcard" and ending with "end: vcard". If only "end: vCard" appears only when the data run is reached, the entire VCARD Object contains from "Begin: Vcard" to the end of the data stream.
VCARD Property (vcard attribute)
VCARD is a collection of one or more Property. A Property is the only value of named named. A series of Property can become a group in VCARD.
The format of the VCARD Property is as follows:
PropertyName [';' PropertyParameters]: 'PropertyValue
1. PropertyName and PropertyParameters are not case sensitive.
2, PropertyParameters is optional, can be zero or more, with ProPERYNAME with a semicolon, with PropertyValue, is separated by colon.
3, VCARD can be rendered in multiple lines. Since it is applied in this software, the author has not dried the specific implementation method. Can refer to VCard Specification.
For example, Tel; Home; 86111222333 Its PropertyName is Tel, PropertyParameters is Home, PropertyValue is 86111222333.
VCARD default encoding mode is 7-bit. The default encoding method can be changed using an Encoding property parameter. Its value can be Base64; quoted-printable; 8bit. This parameter can be used in any Property.
X-ESI-CATEGORIES; Charset = UTF-8; Encoding = quoted-printable: = E5 = AE = B6 = E4 = ba = ba
The following briefly explains the quoted-printable encoding method, more detailed information, please refer to the relevant documentation:
ASCII shows that the characters are basically remained unchanged. Unicode characters or UTF8 encoding characters use equal to add their corresponding 16 credit code. For example, the above Charset is UTF8 character = E5 = AE = B6 = E4 = BA = BA corresponding UTF8 encoding 0xE5, 0XAE, 0XB6 represents Chinese "home", other representative "people". Also, if there is any display, an ASCII code is displayed, and the output is maintained.
For example, Encoding = quoted-printable: Home = E5 = AE = B6PEOPLE = E4 = BA = BA decoding is "Home People".
Character Set (character set)
The default character set is ASCII. The default character set can be changed via the CHARSET parameter. The value of its parameters is a character set for all IANA (Internet Assigned NumBers Authority). This parameter can be used for any Property, but some Property does not work.
X-ESI-CATEGORIES; Charset = UTF-8; Encoding = quoted-printable: = E5 = AE = B6 = E4 = ba = ba
VCARD example:
Begin: vcard
Version: 2.1
X-IRMC-Luid: 1017646
X-ESI-CATEGORIES; Charset = UTF-8; Encoding = quoted-printable: = E5 = AE = B6 = E4 = ba = ba
N: test
ADR: ;; street; city ;; 610000; country
Org: Company
Tel; Home: 123456
Tel; Work: 123456
Tel; Cell: 123456
Tel; Fax: 123456
Tel; Fax; Home: 123456
EMAIL; Internet: a@a.ao
Email; Home; Internet: b @g
URL: http
End: vcard