You can use the C program module as an executable, and then use exec, system, etc. in the PHP program, you can use the command line to pass parameters, or accept the output of the executable program to get the result. For example, / ** add.exe ** / int main (ion argc, char ** argv) {if (argc! = 3) {return -1;} printf ("% d / n", ATOI (Argv [1] ), atoi (argv [1])); return 0;} / ** Test.php *** / php $ return_string = ""; $ comMand_line = ""; $ return_code = 0; $ return_string = EXEC ( "./add.exe 23 45", $ command_line, $ return_code); if ($ return_code! = 0) {Die ("error");} else {echo "23 45 = $ RETURN_STRING
/ N" ;}?>