VML effect

xiaoxiao2021-03-06  38

VML dynamic stars code as follows: VML Animation - Stars </ title> <object classid = CLSID: 10072CEC-8CC1-11D1-986E-00A0C955B42E ID = Vmlrender> </ Object> <Style> v /: * {behavior: URL (#VMLRENDER)} </ stop></p> <p></ Head> <body bgcolor = # ffffff οnresize = resize () scroll = no> <v: Rect ID = bgstyle = "Height: 400pt; Left: 0pt; Position: absolute; top: 0pt; width: 880pt; z- Index: -1 "Coordsize =" 21600, 21600 "FillColor =" # a8f4f7 "strokecolor =" # 000000> <v: fill type = "gradient" color2 = "# 003159" Angle = "45" FOCUS = "100% "focusPosition =" .5 ,.5 "Focussize =" 0,0 "method =" linear sigma "> </ v: Fill> </ v: Rect> <script></p> <p>// globals for hsv to rgb conversionirpnt = new Array (2, 1, 0, 0, 3, 2); IgPnt = New Array (3, 2, 2, 1, 0); IBPNT = New Array (0, 0, 3, 2, 2, 1); // w = 0; h = 0; resize (); scol = new color (57, .61, .89); ss = new arch arrAy (50, 90, 75, 50, 60); vs = ""; for (j = 0; j <ss.length; j ) {np = 3 RND (6); sp = makestarpath (np, 1000, 900); hue = rnd (360 ); DHUE = 1 RND (10); THETA = 0; dtheta = 0.1 0.2 * math.random (); DR = RND (14) -6; if (DR == 0) DR = -7; vx = RND (10) -4; if (vx == 0) Vx = -5; VY = RND (10) -4; if (Vy == 0) VY = -5; vs = "<v: shape id = ' V " J " 'np = " np " hue = " hue " DHUE = " DHUE " DR = " DR " Theta = " " DTHETA = " DTHETA " VX = " VX " VY = " VY " Style = 'POSITION: ABSOLUTE; Left: " (6 RND (W-SS [J] -12) " PX; TOP: " (6 RND (H-SS [J] - 12)) "PX; Height:" SS [J] "; Width:" SS [J] "; Rotation: 0; 'Fill =' true 'stroke =' false 'coordsize =' 2000, 2000 'Coordorigin' 0, 0 'FillColor =' # fdf9ae 'strokeweight =' 2emu 'Path =' " SP "> <v: Fill Type = 'gradientradial' color2 = '# 6f6022' angle = '45 'focus =' 100% 'focusPosition ='. 5, .5 'focussize =' 2, 2 'method =' linear sigma '> </ v: fill> </ v: shape> "} Document.write (vs); Window.setInterval ("Frame ();", 2 0);</p> <p>Function frame () {for (j = 0; j <ss.length; j ) {s = document.all ["v" j]; // animate colorhue = parseint (s.hue); DHUE = PARSEINT (S .dhue); hue = DHUE; if (hue> = 360) hue- ​​= 360; s.hue = hue; scol.h = hue; scol.hsv2RGB (); s.fillcolor = scol.RGB; // Animate RotationR = PARSEINT (S.Style.Rotation); DR = PARSEINT (S.DR); R = DR; if (r> = 360) R- = 360; if (r <0) R = 360; S.Style.Rotation = r; // animate geometrynp = parseint (s.np); Theta = PARSEFLOAT (S.Theta); dtheta = parsefloat (s.dtheta); Theta = dtheta; if (Theta> Math.pi) Theta- = 2 * Math.pi; sp = makestarpath (NP, 1000, 200 1000 * Math.sin (Theta)); s.path = sp; s.theta = Theta; //move & bounce starsx = s.style.pixelleft; y = S.Style.pixeltop; vx = parseint (s.vx); VY = parseint (s.vy); x = vx; y = Vy; if (x <0) {vx = -VX; x = vx;} IF (x> w-ss [j]) {vx = -VX; x = 2 * (W-SS [J]) - X;} if (x> W-SS [J]) x = 0; IF ( X <0) x = 0; if (Y <0) {VY = -VY; Y = Vy;} if (Y> H-SS [J]) {Vy = -Vy; y = 2 * (H-SS [j]) - y;} If (y> h-ss [j]) y = 0; if (y <0) y = 0; s.style.pixelleft = x; sstyle.pixeltop = y; s .vx = vx; s.vy = Vy;}}</p> <p>// n = Number of Points // r1 = Outer diameter // r2 = inner diameter // assumes coordsize = '2000, 2000' coordorigin '0,0'Function Makestarpath (n, R1, R2) {s = "" PA = 2 * math.pi / n; ss1 = math.pi / 2; ss2 = SS1-PA / 2; x1 = math.floor (r1 * math.cos (ss1)); Y1 = Math.Floor (-R1 * Math.sin (SS1)); x2 = math.floor (r2 * math.cos (s2)); y2 = math.floor (-r2 * math.sin (s2)); s = "m" (x2 1000) " " (Y2 1000) "L"; for (i = 1; i <= n; i ) {if (i> 1) s = "," s = (x1 1000) "," (Y1 1000) ""; S1 = SS1 I * Pa; S2 = SS2 I * Pa; X1 = Math.floor (r1 * Math.cos (S1)); Y1 = Math .floor (-r1 * math.sin (s1)); x2 = math.floor (r2 * math.cos (s2)); y2 = math.floor (-r2 * math.sin (s2)); s = X2 1000) "," (Y2 1000);} s = "e" return (s);} function rnd (n) {return (Math.Floor (((N 1) * math.random () ));</p> <p>Function resize () {w = document.body.clientwidth; h = document.body.clientHeight; bg.style.Width = W; bg.style.height = h;}</p> <p>// Utility Object for HSV To RGB ConversionFunction HSV2RGB () {PQVT = New Array (4) {if (s == 0) {r = Math.Floor (255 * v); g = r; B = R; Return;} if (h> = 360) h ​​= 0; NH = H / 60; I = Math.floor (NH); f = NH-I; PQVT [2] = 255 * v; pqvt [0 ] = PQVT [2] * (1-S) PQVT [1] = PQVT [2] * (1-S * f) PQVT [3] = PQVT [2] * (1-S * (1-f)) R = Math.floor (PQVT [IRPNT [I]]); g = Math.floor (PQVT [IGPNT [I]]); b = Math.Floor (PQVT [IBPNT [I]]); RGB = "#" (65536 * R 256 * g b) .tostring (16);}}</p> <p>Function colour (h, s, v) {this.h = H; //0-359this.s=s; //0-1THIS.V=V; //0-1THIS.R =0; // 0- 255this.g = 0; //0-255this.b=0; //0-255this.rgb=""" should.hsv2rgb=hsv2rgb;//convert on constructionthis.hsv2RGB ();} </ script></p> <p></ Body> </ html> VML dynamic kaleidoscope code is as follows: <html xmlns: v = "urn: schema-microsoft-com: VML"> <head> <meta name = "description" content = "VML Animation - Kaleidoscope" > <META NAME = "Keywords" CONTENT = "kaleidoscope, dhtml, vml, javascript, jscript, animation"> <TITLE> VML Animation - Kaleidoscope </ TITLE> <OBJECT classid = CLSID: 10072CEC-8CC1-11D1-986E-00A0C955B42E ID = VMLRENDER> </ Object> <style> v /: * {behavior: URL (#VMLRENDER)} </ stop></p> <p></ Head> <body bgcolor = # ffffff οnresize = resize () scroll = no> <div> <v: Rect ID = bgstyle = "Height: 400pt; Left: 0pt; Position: absolute; top: 0pt; width: 880pt Z-index: -1 "COORDSIZE =" 21600, 21600 "FillColor =" # c797e2 "> <v: fill type =" gradient "color2 =" # 971647 "Angle =" 45 "FOCUS =" 100% "FocusPosition = ".5, .5" focussize = "0,0" method = "linear sigma"> </ v: Fill> </ v: Rect> </ div> <div id = KAL style = 'POSITION: ABSOLUTE; Left : 0; Top: 0; '> </ div></p> <p><Div id = frm style = "Position: absolute; top: 0;"> <form name = "myform"> <table> <tr> <TD> Number of Points allowed: </ td> </ tr> <TR > <Td> <input type = checkbox name = spointse checked> Even number <br> </ td> </ tr> <tr> <td> <input type = checkbox name = spointso checked> odd number <br> </ TD> </ tr> <tr> <td> number of stars </ td> <object id = "Scrnumstars" style = "Position: Relative; Left: 0; Top: 0 Width: 196; Height: 10 "Style =" Border: 2px Solid # 696969; "CodeBase =" http://activex.microsoft.com/controls/mspert10.cab "classid =" CLSID: DFD181E0-5E2F-11CE- A449-00AA004A803D "> <param name =" max "value =" 12 "> <parame name =" min "value =" 1 "> <param name =" position "value =" 5 "> <parame name =" largechange "Value =" 2 "> <param name =" orientation "value =" 1 "> </ object> <td> </ tr> <tr> <td> minimum points </ td> </ tr> <tr> > <TD> <Object ID = "SCRMINPTS" style = "Position: Relative; Left: 0; Top: 0; Width: 196; Height: 10" style = "border: 2px solid # 696969;" codebase = "http: //ActiveX.microsoft.com/controls/mspert10.cab"classid="clsid:dfd181e0-5e2f-11ce-a449-00aa004a803d"> "Pram Name = "Max" value = "20"> <param name = "min" value = "3"> <parame name = "position" value = "3"> <param name = "largechange" value =</p> <p>"2"> <param name = "orientation" value = "1"> </ object> </ td> </ tr> <tr> <td> maximum points </ td> </ tr> <tr> <td > <Object id = "SCRMAXPTS" style = "Position: Relative; Left: 0; Top: 0; Width: 196; Height: 10" Style = "Border: 2px Solid # 696969;" CodeBase = "http: // ActiveX .microsoft.com / constolls / mspert10.cab "classid =" CLSID: DFD181E0-5E2F-11CE-A449-00AA004A803D "> <param name =" max "value =" 20 "> <param name =" min "value =" 3 "> <param name =" position "value =" 8 "> <param name =" limited "value =" 2 "> <parame name =" orientation "value =" 1 "> </ Object> </ td> </ Tr> <tr> <TD> Max Rotation Speed ​​</ TD> <Object ID = "Scrotspd" Style = "Position: Relative; Left: 0; Top: 0; Width : 196; Height: 10 "Style =" Border: 2px Solid # 696969; "Codebase =" http://activex.microsoft.com/controls/mspert10.cab "classid =" CLSID: DFD181E0-5E2F-11CE-A449- 00aa004a803d "> <param name =" max "value =" 100 "> <parame name =" min "value =" 0 "> <param name =" position "value =" 50 "> <param name =" largechange "value" Value = "5"> <param name = "orientation" value = "1"> </ Object> </ td> </ tr> <tr> <td> max expansion speed </ td> </ TR> <TR> <TD> <Object ID = "Screxpspd" Style = "POSITION: Relative; Left: 0; Top: 0; Width: 196;</p> <p>Height: 10 "Style =" Border: 2px Solid # 696969; "CodeBase =" http://activex.microsoft.com/controls/mspert10.cab "classid =" CLSID: DFD181E0-5E2F-11CE-A449-00AA004A803D "> <Param name = "max" value = "100"> <param name = "min" value = "0"> <param name = "position" value = "50"> <param name = "LARGECHANGE" Value = "5 "> <Param name =" orientation "value =" 1 "> </ object> </ td> <TR> <Tr> <TD> Max Colour Speed ​​</ TD> </ TR> <TR> <TD> <Object ID = "ScrcolSpd" style = "Position: Relative; Left: 0; Top: 0; Width: 196; Height: 10" Style = "Border: 2px Solid # 696969;" CodeBase = "http: // ActiveX. Microsoft.com/controls/mspert10.cab"classid="clsid:dfd181e0-5e2f-11ce-a449-00aa004a803d"><param name = "max" value = "100"> <param name = "min" value = "0 "> <Param name =" position "value =" 50 "> <param name =" limited "value =" 5 "> <parame =" orientation "value =" 1 "> </ object> </ td> < / TR> </ table> </ form> </ div> <script></p> <p>// globals for hsv to rgb conversionirpnt = new Array (2, 1, 0, 0, 3, 2); IgPnt = New Array (3, 2, 2, 1, 0); IBPNT = New Array (0, 0, 3, 2, 2, 1);</p> <p>v_spointse = true; v_spointso = true; v_scrnumstars = 1; v_scrMAXPTS = 3; v_scrrtspd = 50; v_scroPSPD = 50; v_scrcolspd = 50;</p> <p>//Alert (Document.Myform.spointse.value) W=0;h=0;kx=0 ;ky=0;np=0;maxpoints=30;maxstars=12 ;ss=new array (500, 490, 480, 470, 460, 450, 440, 430); Numstars = 5; scol = new color (57, .81, .89); resize (); innTKaleidoscope (); window.setInterval ("frame ();", 20);</p> <p>Function INITKALEIDOSCOPE () {var OK = false;</p> <p>v_spointse = document.myform.spointse.checked; v_spointso = document.myform.spointso.checked; v_scrnumstars = document.myform.scrnumstars.value; v_scrminpts = document.myform.scrminpts.value; v_scrmaxpts = document.myform.scrmaxpts.value; v_scrrotspd = document.myform.scrrotspd.value; v_screxpspd = document.myform.screxpspd.value; v_scrcolspd = document.myform.scrcolspd.value; if (v_scrminpts> v_scrmaxpts) {v_scrmaxpts = v_scrminpts; document.myform.scrmaxpts.value = v_scrmaxpts }</p> <p>Kal.innerHTML = ""; vs = ""; for (j = 0; j <v_scrnumstars; j ) {if (v_scrminpts == v_scrmaxpts) {np = v_scrminPTS;} else {np = v_scrminPTS RND (v_scrmaxpts-v_scrminPTS 1); if (v_spointse! = True) while (np% 2! = 1) np = v_scrminPTS RND (v_scrmaxpts-v_scrminpts 1); if (v_spointso! = True) While (Np% 2! = 0) np = v_scrminpts rnd (v_scrmaxpts-v_scrminpts 1);} hue = rND (360); DHUE = RND (v_scrcolspd / 6); Theta = 0; dtheta = math.random () * v_screxpspd / 100; dr = math.random ) * v_scrotspd / 10; if (RND (2) == 0) DR = -dr; sp = Makestarpath (NP, 500, 250 * (Math.SIN (Theta) -1))); vs = "<v: shape id = 'V " j "' np = " np " hue = " hue " DHUE = " DHUE " DR = " DR " Theta = " THETA " DTHETA = " DTHETA " style = 'Position: absolute; Left: 0px; Top: 0px; Height: 500; Width: 500; Rotation: 0; Opacity: 0.5; 'Fill =' true 'stroke =' true 'coordsize =' 2500, 2500 'coordorigin' -1250, -1250 ' FillColor = '# a8f4f7' strokecolor = '# a8f4f7' path = '" sp "'> </ v: shape> "} kal.innerhtml = vs;} function frame () {</p> <p>if (v_spointse! = document.myform.spointse.checked || v_spointso! = document.myform.spointso.checked || v_scrnumstars! = document.myform.scrnumstars.value || v_scrminpts! = document.myform.scrminpts.value || v_scrmaxpts! = document.myform.scrmaxpts.value || v_scrrotspd! = document.myform.scrrotspd.value || v_screxpspd! = document.myform.screxpspd.value || v_scrcolspd! = document.myform.scrcolspd.value) {initkaleidoscope ( );} else {for (j = 0; j <v_scrnumstars; j ) {s = document.all ["v" j]; // animate colource = parseint (s.hue); DHUE = PARSEINT (S.dhue Hue = DHUE; if (hue> = 360) hue- ​​= 360; s.hue = hue; scol.h = hue; scol.hsv2RGB (); s.fillcolor = scol.rgb; s.StrokeColor = scol. RGB; // animate rotationr = parsefloat (s.style.Rotation); DR = PARSEFLOAT (S.DR); R = DR; if (r> = 360) R- = 360; if (r <0) R = 360 ; S.Style.Rotation = r; // animate geometrynp = parseint (s.np); Theta = PARSEFLOAT (S.Theta); dtheta = parsefloat (s.dtheta); Theta = dtheta; if (Theta> Math.pi ) Theta- = 2 * math.pi; sp = makestarpath (np, 500, 250 * (math.sin (Theta) -1)); spath = sp; s.theta = theta;}}}</p> <p>// n = Number of points // r1 = Outer diameter // r2 = Inner DiameterFunction Makestarpath (n, r1, r2) {s = ""; pa = 2 * math.pi / n; ss1 = math.pi / 2 ; SS2 = SS1-PA / 2; x1 = math.floor (r1 * math.cos (ss1)); Y1 = Math.Floor (-r1 * math.sin (ss1)); x2 = math.floor (r2 * Math.cos (SS2)); Y2 = math.floor (-r2 * math.sin (s2)); s = "m" (x2 1250) "," (Y2 1250) "L" ; for (i = 1; i <= n; i ) {if (i> 1) s = "," s = (x1 1250) "," (Y1 1250) ","; S1 = SS1 I * Pa; S2 = SS2 I * Pa; X1 = Math.floor (r1 * Math.cos (S1)); Y1 = Math.Floor (-r1 * math.sin (S1)); x2 = Math .floor (r2 * math.cos (s2)); y2 = math.floor (-r2 * math.sin (s2)); s = (x2 1250) "," (Y2 1250);} s = "e" return (s);} function rnd (n) {return (Math.Floor (n * math.random ()));}</p> <p>Function resize () {w = document; h = document.body.clientHeight; bg.style.width = W-206; fm.style.left = W-206; bg.Style.Height = H; kX = W / 2-250-103; KY = H / 2-250; Kal.Style.Left = kx; kal.style.top = ky;}</p> <p>// Utility Object for HSV To RGB ConversionFunction HSV2RGB () {PQVT = New Array (4) {if (s == 0) {r = Math.Floor (255 * v); g = r; B = R; Return;} if (h> = 360) h ​​= 0; NH = H / 60; I = Math.floor (NH); f = NH-I; PQVT [2] = 255 * v; pqvt [0 ] = PQVT [2] * (1-S) PQVT [1] = PQVT [2] * (1-S * f) PQVT [3] = PQVT [2] * (1-S * (1-f)) R = Math.floor (PQVT [IRPNT [I]]); g = Math.floor (PQVT [IGPNT [I]]); b = Math.Floor (PQVT [IBPNT [I]]); RGB = "#" (65536 * R 256 * g b) .tostring (16);}}</p> <p>Function colour (h, s, v) {this.h = H; //0-359this.s=s; //0-1THIS.V=V; //0-1THIS.R =0; // 0- 255this.g = 0; //0-255this.b=0; //0-255this.RGB=""; heis.hsv2rgb=hsv2rgb;//convert on constructionthis.hsv2rgb ();} setInterval ("disl () "", 50);</p> <p>Function disl () {window.status = document.myform.spointse.checked;}</p> <p></ script></p> <p></ Body> </ html> VML gear effect code is as follows: <html xmlns: v = "urn: schema-microsoft-com: VML"> <head> <meta name = "description" content = "VML Animation - gears within Gears> <meta name = "keywords" Content = "COGS, Gears, DHTML, VML, JavaScript, JScript, Animation"> <title> VML Animation - Gears With Gears </ Title> <object classid = CLSID: 10072CEC-8CC1 -11D1-986E-00A0C955B42E ID = VMLRENDER> </ Object> <style> v /: * {behavior: URL (#VMLRENDER)} </ stop></p> <p></ Head> <body bgcolor = # ffffff οnresize = resize () scroll = no> <div id = op> </ div></p> <p><script></p> <p>// globals for hsv to rgb conversionirpnt = new Array (2, 1, 0, 0, 3, 2); IgPnt = New Array (3, 2, 2, 1, 0); IBPNT = New Array (0, 0, 3, 2, 2, 1);</p> <p>// constants for gearsgb = 100; gd = 30; Ga = 20;</p> <p>W = 0; h = 0; kx = 0; ky = 0; scol = new color (57, .71, .89); ss = new array (500, 500, 500, 500, 500, 500, 500, 500); vs = "<div id = kal style = 'position : Absolute; Left: " KX "; TOP: " Ky "; '> "; for (j = 0; j <ss.length; j ) {np = 30-2 * j; sp = makegearpath (np) Hue = J * 4; DHUE = 8; DR = (j 1) / 2; // IF (j% 2 == 0) DR = -dr; vx = rND (10) -4; if (vx = = 0) Vx = -5; Vy = RND (10) -4; if (Vy == 0) VY = -5; vs = "<v: shape id = 'v" J "' np =" NP "hue =" hue "DHUE =" DHUE "DR =" DR "VX =" VX "VY =" VY "style = 'Position: absolute; left:" ((500-ss [j] ) / 2) "PX; TOP:" (500-ss [j]) / 2) "px; height:" ss [j] "; width:" ss [j] "; Rotation: 0; 'Fill =' True 'stroke =' true 'coordsize =' 2500, 2500 'coordorigin' -1250, -1250 'FillColor =' # 000000 'path =' " sp " ' > </ v: shape> "} vs =" </ div> "Document.write (vs); resize (); window.setInterval (" frame (); ", 20);</p> <p>Function frame () {for (j = 0; j <ss.length; j ) {s = document.all ["v" j]; // animate colorhue = parseint (s.hue); DHUE = PARSEINT (S .dhue); hue = DHUE; if (hue> = 360) hue- ​​= 360; s.hue = hue; scol.h = hue; scol.hsv2RGB (); s.fillcolor = scol.rgb; // s. strokecolor = scol.rgb; // Animate RotationR = PARSEFLOAT (S.Style.Rotation); DR = PARSEFLOAT (S.DR); R = DR; if (r> = 360) R- = 360; IF (R <0 ) R = 360; s.style.Rotation = r;}} // n = number of points // r1 = Outer diameter // ra2 = inner diameter // assutes coordsize = '2000, 2000' coordorigin '0, 0' Function makegearpath (n) {VAR R1, R2, L1, L2VAR THHI, PHI, Alpha, Beta</p> <p>s = ""; Theta = 2 * math.pi / n; theta2 = THETA / 2R2 = (GB * n) / (2 * math.pi); R1 = R2 GD; L1 = Math.SQRT ((R1 * R1 GA * GA); L2 = Math.SQRT ((R2 * R2 GA * GA)); alpha = math.atan (Ga / R1); beta = math.atan (GA / R2); phi = Math .Pi / 2-Theta2-beta; s = "m" (1250 math.Round (l2 * math.cos (pHI))) " (1250 math.Round (l2 * math.sin PHI))) "l"; for (i = 0; i <n; i ) {pHI = i * Theta math.pi / 2; if (i> 0) s = ","; s = (1250 Math.Round (l2 * math.cos (pHI-THETA2 BETA))) " (1250 math.Round (l2 * math.sin (pHI-THETA2 BETA))) ", " S = (1250 math.Round (l1 * math.cos (phi-alpha))) " (1250 math.Round (l1 * math.sin (phi-alpha))) ", " S = (1250 Math.Round (l1 * math.cos (pHI alpha))) "," (1250 math.Round (l1 * math.sin (pHI alpha))) ";" S = (1250 Math.Round (l2 * math.cos (pHI THETA2-BETA))) " (1250 Math.Round (l2 * math.sin (pHI THETA2-Beta))); } S = "XE" return (s);} function rnd (n) {return ((Math.Floor ((N 1) * math.random ()));}</p> <p>Function resize () {w = document.body.clientwidth; h = document.body.clientHeight; // bg.style.Width = W; // bg.style.Height = H; kx = W / 2-250; KY = H / 2-250; Kal.Style.Left = kx; kal.style.top = ky;}</p> <p>// Utility Object for HSV To RGB ConversionFunction HSV2RGB () {PQVT = New Array (4) {if (s == 0) {r = Math.Floor (255 * v); g = r; B = R; Return;} if (h> = 360) h ​​= 0; NH = H / 60; I = Math.floor (NH); f = NH-I; PQVT [2] = 255 * v; pqvt [0 ] = PQVT [2] * (1-S) PQVT [1] = PQVT [2] * (1-S * f) PQVT [3] = PQVT [2] * (1-S * (1-f)) R = Math.floor (PQVT [IRPNT [I]]); g = Math.floor (PQVT [IGPNT [I]]); b = Math.Floor (PQVT [IBPNT [I]]); RGB = "#" (65536 * R 256 * g b) .tostring (16);}} Function Colour (h, s, v) {this.h = h; //0-359this.s=s; // 0- 1THIS.V = V; //0-1THIS.R=0; //0-255this.g=0; //0-255this.b=0; //0-255this.RGB=""; heis.hsv2rgb = HSV2RGB; // Convert on ConstructionThis.hsv2RGB ();}</p> <p></ script></p> <p></ Body> </ html> VML smiley face code as follows: <html xmlns: v = "urn: schema-microsoft-com: VML"> <head> <title> VML </ title> <style type = Text / CSS "<! - body {font-family:" Song "; font-size: 9pt; margin-top: 0px; margin-left: 0px; margin-right: 0px} a {color: black; font-size: 9pt; font-weight: 400; TEXT-DECORATION: NONE} A: Hover {Color: Red; font-size: 9pt; font-weight: 400; text-decoration: underline} a: active {font: 9pt "Song" Cursor: Hand; Color: # ff0033}</p> <p>-> </ style> <meta http-equiv = "content-type" content = "text / html; charSet = GB2312"> </ head></p> <p><body bgcolor = "# fef4d9"> <br> <style> v /: * {behavior: URL (# default # vml)} </ stop> <! - <v: polyline style = "position: relative" Points = "0,0 100,100 400, 100 400, 300"> <v: stroke dashstyle = "dot" endARROW = "classic" /> </ v: polyline></p> <p>// -> <script> function downshap () {var obj = event.srcelement; obj.shadow.on = "false"; obj.upx = obj.style.pixelleft; obj.upy = obj.Style.pixeltop;</p> <p>With (obj.style) {pixelleft = 10; Pixeltop = 10;}}</p> <p>Function upshap () {var obj = event.srcelement; obj.Shadow.on = "true"; with (obj.style) {pixelleft = obj.upx; pixeltop = Obj.upx;}}</p> <p>Function Downball () {var judger = ball.style.pixeltop 4; 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