1. Select Insert in the resource file, select Custom, then enter the resource type 24, do not enter other.
2. To copy the following XML code to the editor:
XML Version = "1.0" Encoding = "UTF-8" Standalone = "YES"?>
XMLns = "URN: Schemas-Microsoft-COM: ASM.V1"
ManifestVersion = "1.0">
Processrarchitecture = "x86"
Version = ""
TYPE = "Win32"
Name = "Test.exe" />
Test Application description>
TYPE = "Win32"
Name = "Microsoft.Windows.common-Controls"
Version = ""
PublickeyToken = "6595b64144ccf1df"
Language = "*"
Processrarchitecture = "x86" />
3. Change the ID of the resources to 1, must be 1.
4. If your program is Win32 remember to join "CommCtrl.h" and link "COMCTL32.LIB". If it is MFC, it is not available, the framework has been added to you. Then Rebuild, it's very simple :)