Install Apache ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ ----------------------------------------------- # TAR XVZF httpd * // Decompression source package. # CD httpd * // Enter the installation directory. # ./configure --prefix = / usr / local / apache2 --enable-so --enable-mods-shared = MOST --ENABLE-REWRIT # make; make install // Compile and installed. Description: --Nable-SO Option: Let Apache support DSO mode, note that we use the syntax of Apache 2.0 here. If your apache is a version 1.3, it should be changed to --Nable-module = SO. --enable-mods-shared = MOST option: Tell the compiler to compile all standard modules as a DSO module. If you use apache1.3, you can change it to --Nable-shared = max. --Nable-Rewrite option: Support address rewrite function, use a 1.3 version of friends, please change it to --Nable-module = REWRITE. -------------------------------------------------- -------------------------------------------- Install JDK1) RPM - IVH J2SDK * .RPM2) Set Environment Variable VI / etc / Profile Java_Home = / USR / Java / J2SDK1.4.2_05ClassPath =.: $ java_home / lib: $ java_home / jre / libpath =.: $ java_home / bin: $ java_home / JRE / BIN: $ PATH LD_LIBRARY_PATH = $ java_home / jre / lib / i386: $ java_home / javy / lib / i386 / server export java_home classpath path ld_library_path3) Source / etc /profile // Reserved Profile Environment. 4) LDCONFIG // Create a dynamic link library cache file.