If we write or Look at the example below. The program is based on the size of the window to establish a corresponding number of layers; -------------------------------------------------- ------------------------------
.maskdiv {background-color: # ccff00; Position: absolute; z-index: 9; clip: Rect ()} -> style> Var speed = 4; Var size = 128; VAR CURSIZE = Size Speed * 4; // Extension 4 seconds Function toabcbase (NUM) { Var Charset = New Array ('a', 'b', 'c', 'd', 'e', 'f', 'g', 'h', 'I', 'J'); Return Charset [Num]; } Function toAbc (NUM) { Var str = "" VAR TMP = NUM; IF (! Num) Return toabcbase (0); While (TMP> 0) { Str = toabcbase (TMP% 10) STR; TMP = (TMP-TMP% 10) / 10; } Return Str; } Function cycle () { Var str = "" VAR BW = document.body.clientwidth; VAR BH = Document.body.clientHeight; Var bt = document.body.scrolltop; VAR BL = Document.body.scroolleft; VAR CW = (BW-BW% Size) / size 1; VAR CH = (BH-BH% SIZE) / SIZE 1; For (var w = 0; w { FOR (var h = 0; h { Str = ' span> N '; } } Divc.innerhtml = STR; CURSIZE- = Speed; IF (Cursize> 0) Settimeout; Cycle, 1); Else (Divc.innerhtml = "); } Function OL () { Cycle (); } script> hEAD> P> body> html>