As early as December 1997, the W3C Alliance issued the final technical manual of HTML 4.0, which increased and enhanced many functions. But many web makers don't know much about these features, which may now be more and more advanced, paying attention to what you get, thus sacrificing the skills and flexibility of artificial web pages. In fact, we found that the overall framework of a web page is good, but it is still a dead on many details. So master some of the HTML tags, which is beneficial to optimize the webpage. Let's talk about some of the new attribute functions in HTML 4.0.
Acronym (Abbreviation): Represents an abbreviation. This is a block element.
Example: msn acronym>
Addres: Specifies information such as addresses, signatures, and posts, actually manifested as a slope. Block element.
Button: Submit the HTML button, display the text between the start tag and the end tag, the label on the button. There are three types of Type properties of this label: Button, Reset, Submit. They have the same function as the properties of the same name in the INPUT tag, but with the Button Tags more in line with them the original face of the button, which is also intended to add the label for HTML 4.0. There is also an AccessKey attribute in Button, as the name suggests, which provides acceleration for the label, pressing the attribute value (key value) of Alt AccessKey to implement acceleration, and contains the AccessKey property in many tags.
CAPTION: Specifies the title for a table. Block element.
... td> tr> table>
DEL (delete): Indicates that the text has been deleted from one document, actually manifested as a throughline display. Block element. Example: Dir: Represents a directory list, which consists of one item, each starting from the LI tag, containing no more than 20 characters. Block element. Example: Fieldset: Draw a box around or draws around or around other elements therebet. This element is particularly useful for text to elements in the form, or distinguishes a logo in a document. Block element. The function of the segmentation group has been uncommon in the software, and it is also available on the page. Example: |