2004.5 ~ 2004.10, I was a programmer in the XX project, leadership requirements summed up this stage (
2004.5 ~ 2004.10
Q1. Your work content in the XX project & Hands, how do you evaluate your work?
I just sat here, I said: "Do this! Do that!", Of course some things will change.
- Master, about programmers
I Will Sit Here and I will think, "do this! Do this!" And Something will happen.
Programer's Power
Q2. For your own work, I feel some shortcomings. What is the cause of this (itself, there are other aspects, such as management, communication, etc.);
I just sat there, said: "Do this! Do that!" Of course, nothing will happen, light saying that it is not used.
- Master, about programmers
I Will Sit Here and I Will Say, "Do this! Do this!" And nothing will happen.
Programer's Power
Q3. If you now let you recall, do the same job, what do you think is improved, how to improve?
Those who want to see the perfect solution, in fact, in the heart, think they have not existed before, and will not appear later.
- Alexander Pop, critical prose
Whoever Thinks a Faultless Piece To See, Thinks What Ne'er Was, Nor E'er Shall B.
- Alexander Pope, An Essay On Critisim
No improvement, because no one has done!
Q4. For XX project management and planning work, what advice, and those aspects can be improved (if necessary, please use personal attack mode);
I do not understand!
If you don't know, you can't really have. - Goethe
What I do Not Understand I do not possess. - Goethe
Q5. Individuals have those improvements during this period, what is the expectation (direction, nature, etc.) for future work).
Add little to Little and there will be a big pile.
I can summon the distant elf. That's what, I can, no one can, the problem is what you are really calling, will they come?
- Shakespeare, "Henry II", the first part
I Can Call Spirits from the Vasty Deep. Why, So CAN I, or SO CAN Any Man; But Will The Come WHEN You Do Call for them?
- Shakespeare, King Henry IV, Part I