First, install SSH
The CVS / SVN server we have to build is connected to the SSH method, so the first thing is to install SSH. From download the latest version of OpenSsh for Windows, the latest version supports Windows Service, the installation process is simple, all the way OK is OK. After installation, you need to make a few things: Now you can use the SSH client program on other machines to log in to this server with the previously created private key file. However, there is a problem I have not resolved it yet, it is the SSH customer login, you can enter any directory on the server :-( Be sure to check the information to solve it, otherwise ...
Second, install CVS
We have to install the Windows version of the CVS system, which is CVSNT. Download the latest version of CVSNT, I use 2.0.51D version, Cvsnt also supports Windows Service, and it is OK when installing. Need to do after installation: 1. Open the C: / Program files / cvsNT / protocol_map.ini file, modify it as follows:
; Protocol_map.ini ;; cvsnt protocol name mapping; [cvsnt] ;; Use default Active Directory gserver, if installed ;; gserver = gserver_protocol.dll; pserver = pserver_protocol.dll ;;; Comment above line and uncomment below to use MIT gserver ;; gserver = gserver_protocol_mit.dll ;;; to disable a protocol change it to 'none' ;; eg .; pserver = none ;;; The following is for WSAD repository compatibility; extssh = ssh_protocol.dll; use sshpserver = none; Disable pServerServer = none; disable Gserver
2. Find the CVSNT control program in Windows control panel, open it, set your cvsroot directory inside, and then restart CVSNT. OK! Now you can use the EXT (SSH) method to connect your server with the CVS client program (recommended using TortoriseCVS under Windows). Third, install SVN
From to download the latest version of the Subversion, you can have OK when installing. After installation, you can create a svnroot directory with svnadmin, steps below: 1, create a svnrepo directory in the D disk (we will store the SVN project file in this directory, you can specify any directory you want to use) 2, open a command Window, run the command svnadmin create d: / svnrepo, your SVN project root is built, now you can use your SVN client program to connect to your SVN server in SVN SSH mode.
Fourth, install ViewCVS to be continued. . . 2005/01/21