See the message about the PR from the ECONOMIST.
The above article describes the strategy of Microsoft: Use Blog to better listen to users, and this blog is managed by Microsoft's official employee.
Such a story is very inspired. Perhaps domestic IT companies should also.
I have a plan to consider company blogger :)
P.S. If you can't click on the link, a summary is as follows:
Does Robert Scoble, a Celebrity Blogger on Microsoft's Payroll, Herald The Death of Traditional Public Relations?
ROBERT SCOBLE, known in the blogosphere as "the Scobleizer", is a phenomenon not just because he has had an unusually strange career of late, but because his example might mark the beginning of the end of "corporate communications" as we know it. Mr Scoble IS, First, A Blogger-IE, Somebody Who Keeps An Online Journal (Called A "Web Log" or "blog") To Which He Posts Thoughts and Web Links Several Times A Day. But Mr Scoble Is Also An Employee of Microsoft, the world's largest software company, where he holds the official title of "technical evangelist". Those two roles are intertwined. It was his blogging prowess that led to his job, and much of the job consists of blogging.