The world is originally very peaceful, and Struts has long-ruled long-term standards as most program-dependent factors, while JSF is crystallized by Sun Late marriage, enduring most programmers. One night, Struts announced a new subproject - shale, based on the JSF standard finished pushback (Apache Stuts Team AnnUncement), which opened two wars at the same time: One is about "is struts ip? "IT's Official, Struts is dead, huh? There is also the mouth of TSS on the other side of the TSS" JSF can be used? " TapeStry, JSf and fud also less than TSS's saliva wars, Spring Live author of the author , Inhand: "In fact, Struts is dead in 2002, and Most of the Java Web Framework has also been dead last year. Why? Because they have no way to join what new important Feature in the future version. Maybe you say that WebWork will use XMLHTtpRequest to make Client-Side Validation, TapeStry Using Pretty Urls, but these are not the primary function for a Framework. At least, the Struts developers have courage to stand up, "We're in maintenance mode", other framework developers? The only stop should not stand It comes out that "we have transferred maintenance status" is JSF and Tapestry's children. Their team should say: "We are making the frame more easy to use" JSF should be correct: post for everything, lack of bookmarkability, Bad Validation Messages (OK The message is this correction in JSF1.2), etc .. TapeStry should also simplify, each TapeStry page is now about 4 files, it should be simplified into two (Template and Java Class), while two Is optional (Page Specification and I18n Keys)
I think Struts-Shale will succeed, provided that it can learn the essence of other frameworks, such as IOC, Interceptors, HTML Templates, etc. Can be integrated with Middle-Tier Frameworks such as Spring, HiveMind and EJBs. Struts-shale developers now have a good opportunity, let us wish them not only develop YET ANOTHER FRAMEWORK .... "(we listen to these three words have been allergic)