Learn notes, haven't seen it yet, temporarily store you if you want to express 2D in 3D, just use what I said
If you are pure 2D
You can see DDRAW information in D7, also support in D9.
If you have to use D3D
There is IDirect3dsurface9 in D9, you can check it to see the usage
Give a small example, very simple to change, and DDRAW is almost
LPDIRECT3D9 PD3D = NULL; // D3D9 Object Interface
LPDIRECT3DDEVICE9 PD3DDEVICE = NULL; // D3D9 device object interface
IDirect3dsurface9 * srcsurface = null; // Off-screen page
IDirect3dsurface9 * backbuffer = null; // Background page
/ ************************************************** *******************
* InitDirect3D
*********************************************************** ****************** /
// Create a D3D object
IF (NULL == (PD3D = Direct3Dcreate9 (D3D_SDK_Version)))))))))
Return False;
// Fill the D3DPresent_Parameters structure
D3DPresent_Parameters D3DPP;
ZeromeMory (& D3DPP, SIZEOF (D3DPP));
D3DPP.Windowed =! fullscreen; // window mode
D3dpp.swapeffect = D3DSWAPEFFECT_DISCARD; / / change page mode
D3DPP.BACKBUFFERCOUNT = 1; // Number of Background Page
D3dpp.backbufferHeight = h; // high background page
D3dpp.backbufferWidth = W; // Background page wide
D3DP.HDEVICEWINDOW = hWnd; // window handle
If (! fullscreen) / / Set the background format according to the window mode
D3dpp.backbufferformat = D3DFMT_UNKNOWN;
// Create a D3D device object
IF (Failed (PD3D-> CreateDevice (D3DADADAPTER_DEFAULT, / / county card type, default is the main video
D3DDEVTYPE_REF, // Device Type HAL Hard Accelerated REF Microsoft Recommended SW Soft Acceleration
HWnd, // window handle
& D3DPP, // D3DPRest_Parameters
& pd3ddevice)) // Device pointer
Return False;
// Create an off-screen page
IF (Pd3DDevice-> CreateOffscreenPlainsurface
W, // wide
h, // high
D3dpp.backbufferformat, // d3dfmt_x8r8g8b8, // page format
D3DPOOL_DEFAULT, / / Page Storage Location SystemMem Memory Default Save or Memory
& srcsurface, // page pointer
NULL)))) // Reserved {
Return False;
/ / Load the picture to the remote screen
IF (Failed (d3dxloadsurfacefromfile (srcsurface, // destination page
Null, // Destination Page Pattern
Null, // Destination Page Area
"D: / program /dx/d3d9/pic/zl.bmp", / source file path
NULL, / / Source file area
D3DX_DEFAULT, // File filter type
0, // colorKey
NULL))) // Picture Information
Return False;
Return True;
/ ************************************************** *******************
* Render
*********************************************************** ****************** /
Void renderd3d ()
IF (null == pd3ddevice)
// Qingping screen
PD3DDEVICE-> CLEAR (0, // Rectangle
NULL, // The first parameter is not 0 when the number of rectangles is 0.
D3DCLEAR_TARGET, / / Clear Sign
D3DCOLOR_XRGB (0, 0, 0), // Color
1.0f, // zbuffer
0); // Stencil buffer.
// Get the background page
PD3DDEVICE-> getBackBuffer (0, //)
0, // buffer chain index
D3DBACKBUFFER_TYPE_MONO, / / Uniquely valid value
& backbuffer; // Background page pointer
// Page copy
PD3DDEVICE-> StretChRect (srcsurface, // Source page
Null, // Source page area
BACKBUFFER, // destination page
Null, // Destination Page Area
D3DTEXF_NONE); // Filter type
// turn the page
PD3DDEVICE-> Present (null, / source area null is the entire background page
NULL, // destination area
NULL); // buffer null is all buffer
/ ************************************************** *******************
* Cleanupd3d
*********************************************************** ****************** /
Void cleanupd3d ()
// Release the object
IF (srcsurface! = NULL)
Srcsurface-> Release;
IF (BackBuffer! = NULL)
Backbuffer-> Release;
PD3DDEVICE-> Release ();
PD3D-> Release ();