Significance / pursuit
You want to be in the eyes of others. You want to get "recognition" in the true sense. You want your opinion to pay attention. You want to go out. You want to be famous. You especially hope that others understand and appreciate your unique advantages. You are eager to praise you a trusted and specialized successful person. Similarly, you want to communicate with reliable and professional success. If they are not like this, you will drive them to work hard until success - otherwise you will discard them. You are independent, I hope that my job is a way of life is not just a kind of occupation. At work, you want to get full freedom - the freedom to do things in your own way. You feel strong and act on your desire. To this end, your life is full of things you "need", "craving", or "love". No matter how your goals - everyone's goals are different - your pursuit theme will continue to rise, get rid of mediocrity, lead to excellence. This topic drives you to pursue.
Maximizer / perfect
Your standard is excellent, not average. It takes a slight increase below average to average to average, and you can't satisfy you. And transforming this has changed to outstanding, requires the same effort, but far more exciting than the former. Advantage, no matter what you are or others, you are fascinated. Like a diver who salvifted pearls, you have searching for an advantage over the advantage - no posting, a school will, master the technique. All of this indicates that some advantages are played. After discovering the advantage, you feel that you must cultivate it, improve it, and give it a full of fire. You keep rubbing the pearl until it is silver light. Because you have a unique momentum for your strength, others will think you can't be toned. You are more willing to get along with people who are good at appreciating your advantage. Similarly, you like people who have found and cultivate their own advantages. You avoid trying to repair you, people who are proficient - they may find others to cultivate "all talents". You don't want to lament your lack for life; instead, you want to play your natural advantage. This is more fun, more effective, and, in contrast, requires higher.
Futuristic / prospect
"If this, how much?" You are a person who likes to look at the horizon. Future makes you fans. The future is like the projection on the wall, in your eyes, Viomiao Xiao. This detachable picture reminds you to go to tomorrow. Although the specific content of the future picture depends on your other advantages and interests - better products, better teams, better life, or better world - but it will always give you inspiration. You are a fantasy, you can see the future possible, and cherish this imagination. When the reality makes you fight, and when you are too secure, you will evoke the future, but also the energy is multiplied, and you will encourage others. In fact, people often look forward to your description of various delusions on the future. They want to see a picture to improve their eyes, and then ignite passion. You can draw this painting volume for them. Constantly practice. weigh every word. The more vivid and better. People will embrace the hope of you.
You are obsessed with the concept. What is the concept? The concept is the concept, which is the most reasonable explanation of most events. When you find a wonderful and concise concept through a complex surface, you will be happy when explaining the essence of things. The concept is an association. Your mind is always looking for associations; therefore, when the surface is quite different, you will be novel when it is linked by an opacive bond. A concept is a new insights that have been in common challenges. You are willing to turn our well-known world to a circle, let us look at it from a strange but full of new ideas. You love all of these philosophy. Because they are deep. Because they are novel. Because they can be originally selected. Because they triggered debates. Because they are blamed. For all these reasons, whenever you have a new idea, you are oscillated. Other people may depend on your innovation, the standard is unconventional, and is rational or smart. Maybe these are you. Can anyone can say it? You are confident that the concept makes you excited. And most days, this is enough. Self-Assurance / Confidence
In your heart, you are full of confidence in your own advantages. You know that you are an capable person - there is a risk of risk, you have the ability to accept new challenges, and have the ability to ask for requirements, and more importantly, you have the ability to fulfill your promise. However, not only this, but because of a confident topic, you are not only your ability, but also confidence in your own judgment. When you observe the world, you know your point of view and different. Since no one looks like the problem, you know that no one can decide to you; no one can tell you how to think. They can boot, can suggest, but only you are the master of your life. Only if you have the right to conclusion, let's make up your mind, go to action. This kind of authority, this ultimate responsibility for its own life, does not make you fear. On the contrary, it is natural. No matter what the case, you seem to always realize what to do. It may not apply to all people, but it is what you should do. This topic gives you a layer of grati. You are different from many people, never easily by others' arguments, no matter how complaining. This self-confidence may not be deeply unlocked, and it is also possible to pay attention to your other theme. But it is deeply rooted and unbreakable. As the ship's keel, it can resist various pressures so that you will turn your steadily.