Compile OpenH323 under WINDOW --------- Compile PWLIB

xiaoxiao2021-03-06  39

Preface: This article only provides the compilation instructions for VC6.0. If you want to know the compilation process under VC.NET, please refer to the original text. Original: Author: Craig Southeren Translation: Richard Original Updated: November 16, 2004 Text: 1. INTRODUCTION On written in The process of compiling PWLIB under Windows is very simple. This article provides a very detailed process of compiling PWLIBs with VC6.0. (The original text also provides the compilation process under VS.NET 2003, because there is no VC.NET, so there is no explanation here) 2. Prerequisites If you are ready to compile PWLIB Sourcecodes, you must have the following conditions: a.vc6 .0 B.PWLIB source code. c. A decompression program, such as Winzip3. Download and install PWLIB Source code you from [URL = Group_ID = 80674] Here [/ url] or from CVS. Then decompress the install / pwlib4. Preparing before compilation is compiled before compiling PWLIB, one but you are completely these work, it is no longer needed. 4A. Installing the GNU Bison GNU Bison tool is required to compile PWLIB. GNU Flex is not all people need unless you want to recompile the "AsnParser" tool (AsnParser is used to change the ASN file provided by OpenH323). [URL). [URL =] Here [/ URL] provides the precompiled version of these two tools. Below is the installation step of the tool: extracting these 2 precompiled tools under "C: /" (or the directory you selected), this will create "C: / Tools" directory and have "Flex in this directory" .EXE "and" bison.exe "two files, and" Bison.SIMPLE "and" Bison.hairy "in the" C: / Tools / Share "directory. Important: You can install Bison to divide C: / There is another directory other than Tools, but if there is a space in the directory name, there is a problem. Unless you are sure that you can do all things correctly, don't set a directory name like "c: / documents and settings". . In VC6.0, select Options from the Tool menu, and then in the C: / Tools to the executable directory below. 4b. Checking the VC header file has many defects to STL support in VC6.0. These defects are fatal for programs that depend on the correct behavior of global static variables. Fortunately, the STL's author has correctly solved most of the problems for the new document of MSVC. The program where the PWLIB will check the header files of the VC6.0 installed in the machine and upgrade him. In order to run this program, you must first find installdir / msvc_upgrade.bat and run it. If you find this in your machine, you can download from [URL =] [/ URL]. The MSVC6CHK program is then run with the command "MSVC6CHK UPGRAD".

Then, you will see a screen like the following: PWLIB File Upgrader v1.0 Copyright (C) 2004 by Post Increment WARNING: the following file requires upgrading: C: / Program Files / Microsoft Visual Studio / VC98 / INCLUDE / XTREE The files presented here are copyright ⌐ 1995-2000 by PJ Plauger. All rights reserved. They are for use only in conjunction with a valid license for Microsoft Visual C V5.0 or V6.0. Microsoft Corporation is in no way involved with the production or release of these files. The files are offered on an `as is' basis. DINKUMWARE, LTD. AND PJ PLAUGER MAKE NO REPRESENTATIONS OR WARRANTIES ABOUT THE SUITABILITY oF THESE FILES, EITHER EXPRESS OR IMPLIED, INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO THE IMPLIED WARRANTIES oF MERCHANTABILITY, FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE, OR NON-INFRINGEMENT. DINKUMWARE, LTD. AND PJ PLAUGER SHALL NOT BE LIABLE FOR ANY DAMAGES SUFFERED bY LICENSEE AS ​​A RESULT OF USING THESE FILES. Upgrade file (y / n)? press the "Y" Upgrade the header file of the MSVC, then the screen below Appearance:? Upgrade file (y / n) y The following files have been upgraded C: / Program Files / Microsoft Visual Studio / VC98 / INCLUDE / XTREE The previous version of the file has been renamed to C: / Program Files / Microsoft Visual STUDIO / VC98 / INCLUDE / XTREE.BACKUP In the upgrade process, you will be asked, have been upgraded many times, our Jianyi is if you don't have a good reason, please upgrade them. If the file has been upgraded, you will see: PWLIB File Upgrader v1.0 Copyright (c) 2004 by Post Increment C: / Program Files / Microsoft Visual Studio / VC98 / include / Xtree Already Upgraded Press Any Key To Continue.. If you want to know more about the upgrade, please see 5. To formulate "Option" from the "Tool" menu, then set the directory below:.

Join InsallDir / Pwlib / Include to Include Directory. Add InstallDir / PWLIB / LIB to Executable Directory. Add InstallDir / PWLIB / LIB to Library Directory 6. Install an optional file. The file installed automatically is automatically viewed during the creation of the PWLIB. Before you start building a PWLIB project, you can choose the following packages for installation. OpenSSL, OpenLDAP, Expat, SDL, IPv6, Microsoft Speech API, DNS Resolver7. Compile whether you set up the environment you set, there are 3 different projects. You need to build (regardless of debug version or release version) Engine name Description Debug version Release console pWlib basic static library ptlibsd.lib ptlibs.lib console Components library contains pWlib ptclibd.lib ptclib.lib pTLib contain pWlib library ptlidb.lib & ptlibd.dll ptlib.lib & ptlib.dll static library can be compiled separately, but to establish a DLL need to create "Mergesym" tool. Compilation step: 1. Open InstallDir / PWLIB / PWLIB.DSW2. Select "File View" in Workspace. Select Compile Type "Win32 Release" or "Win32 Debug" in Build Toolbar. 4. Right-click "Console Files" and select "Build" to create PTLibs.lib from the menu.

5. The following display will appear (depending on the owed environment) -------------------- Configuration: console - Win32 Release ----- --------------- Configuring Build OptionsPWLIB File Upgrader v1.0Copyright (C) 2004 by Post IncrementC: / Program Files / Microsoft Visual Studio / VC98 / INCLUDE / XTREE already upgradedLocated Open LDAP at D : / openldap / Located expat XML at D: / expat / Located Speech API at D: / Program Files / Microsoft Speech SDK 5.1 / Searching C: / Located DNS Resolver at C: / Program Files / Microsoft Visual Studio / VC98 / Searching D : / Located Cyrus SASL at D: /cyrus-sasl-2.1.12/Located Open SSL at D: /openssl-0.9.7/Searching E: / Byte Order set to PLITTLE_ENDIANSemaphore Support enabledDNS Resolver enabledCyrus SASL enabledOpen LDAP enabledOpen SSL enabledExpat XML enabledSpeech API enabledIPv6 Support disabledQoS Support disabledSimple DirectMedia Layer disabledConfiguration completed.Performing Custom Build Step on ../common/getdate.y../common/getdate.y contains 8 shift / reduce conflicts and 18 reduce / reduce conflicts.Compiling ... AS SERT.CXXCompiling ... collect.cxxcontain.cxxethsock.cxx ... Lines deleted .... regexec.cRegfree.cgenerating code ... CREANERTING ... PTLIBD.LIB - 0 Error (s), 1 Warning (S Important: 1. If you have Miscrosof Platform SDK, you may see: compiling ... assert.cxxc: / program files / microsoft SDK / include / Winsock2.h (1218): Error C2061: Syntax error: identifier 'DWORD_PTR'C: / Program Files / Microsoft SDK / include / winsock2.h (1262): error C2146: syntax error: missing'; 'before identifier' Key'C: / Program Files / Microsoft SDK / include / winsock2. H (1262): Error C2501: 'Ulong_ptr': missing storage-class or type specifiers .... If this happens, you should select "Option" from the "Tools" directory.


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