From this article, the author starts from the ASP built-in object, and analyzes the six internal construction objects of the ASP and the characteristics and methods of various components. Before going to learn the built-in objects and components of ASP, let us know some basic concepts, which will help you in the future. Please see the following table:
Active Server delivers a collection of server side with Windows NT. These technologies provide consistent server-party components, script models, and integrated system services for component application management, database access, transaction, and messages. Active Server Pages (ASP) Run the ActiveX script and the server script environment of the ActiveX component. Developers can combine scripts and components together to create web-based applications. ActiveX allows developers to create a rich Microsoft technical term for World Wide Web to interact with interactive components. Allows a group of unrelated languages that work together in a network environment in different languages. The key element of ActiveX is the Component Object Model (COM) and Distribution Component Object Model (DCOM). These technologies have been permitted by open organization and have been ported to many platforms. ADO ACTIVE data object. A group of object-based data access interfaces optimized for Internet-based applications. ADO is based on published specifications and with in Microsoft Internet Information Server and Microsoft Visual InterDev. DSN data source name. Open Database Interface (ODBC) is used to guide the logical name of the driver or other information required to access the data. The Internet Information Server is used to connect to the name of the ODBC data source (such as SQL Server database). Event: Any operation of the program responded by the user or ActiveX control. The general event includes pressing the keyboard key to select the button and other mouse operations by using the mouse list. Programmer writes the code to respond to these operations. Object: Objects in object-oriented programming, by variables consisting of operations and data as complete entities. Objects are based on a particular model, and services that use objects in the object are accessed by a set of methods or related functions. The client can then call these methods to perform a certain operation. ODBC open database interface. Allow applications access data programming interfaces from existing data source standard specifications accessed across various cross-platform data. SQL Structured Query Language Structured Query Language. Define and access international standards for relational databases. What is an object? It doesn't mean a male companion or a woman with love. In object-oriented programming, the object refers to a variable consisting of an operation and data as a complete entity. Objects are based on a particular model, and the service used in the object uses the object to access the object by a set of methods or related functions, and the client can call these methods to perform a mode. The ActiveX component is the key to establishing a web application. Components provide objects that perform tasks in the script. The ActiveX component is a file that contains code that performs a certain or a set of tasks. Since the component can perform public tasks, the programmers do not have to create the code to execute these tasks. Components can be utilized as a script and a basic construction block based on a web application. Just know how to access the objects provided by the component, even if you write a new hand, you can write a script without understanding the components. In short, the component enables you to write a powerful script without learning programming. Components are executable code included in dynamic link library.dll or executable .exe. Components can provide one or more objects and methods and properties of objects. To use the object provided by the component, create an instance of an object and assign this new instance to a variable name. The server.createObject method using the ASP can create an instance of an object, and the variable allocation instruction using the scripting language can be named for the object instance. Such an example: SET DB = Server.createObject ("AdoDb.Connection") The variable DB here is an object instance that the ASP program creates the access database. Active Server Pages provide built-in objects that can be used in scripts.
These objects make users easier to collect information sent through the browser, respond to the browser, and storage user information, thereby enabling the object developer to get rid of many cumbersome work. The current ASP version provides six internal construction objects. Let us learn from examples. First, the Request object can use the Request object to access any HTTP request delivery, including parameters, cookies, and user authentication passed from the HTML form or get method. The REQUEST object allows you to access binary data sent to the server. Request's Syntax: Request [. Collection | Properties | Method] (Variable) Here the author selection some common object syntax for analysis 1. Form Form set by using the POST method to select the table element in the HTTP request text Value. Syntax Request.Form (Element) [(index) | .count] Parameter element Specifies the name of the table element to be retrieved. Index optional parameters, using this parameter can access one of a plurality of values in a parameter. It can be any integer between 1 to Request.form (Parameter) .count. The number of elements in the count collection indexes according to the name of the parameters in the text. The value of Request.Form (Element) is an array requesting all ELEMENT values in the body. Determine the number of values in the parameter by calling Request.form (Element) .count. If the parameter is not associated with multiple values, the count is 1. If the parameters are not found, the count is 0. To reference a single value in a table element with multiple values, you must specify an index value. The index parameter can be any number from 1 to REQUEST.FORM (Element) .count. If one of the plurality of table parameters is referenced, the index value is not specified, the returned data will be a comma-separated string. You can use a rearray to display all data values in the table request. For example, the user fills in the form by specifying several values, see the figure below. For Hobby parameters, you can retrieve these values using the following scripts.
Please fill in your hobby p>