Because the font of the Wallop community has always been a problem, you must add tag to make yourself easy to check with your message. Every time you reply, you will be very troublesome, so I want to add one in IE. The item is sent to add a markup language. I have reviewed the registry and some small instances, I simply implemented this feature. First write one .htm, it is the main implementation of the function. //Head of forwallop.htm
Var parentwin = external.Menuarguments; var doc = pentwin.document; var sa = doc.selection; var rng = SEL.CREATERANGE (); var str = new string (rng.text); rng.text = " font> "; script> // end of forwardop.htm Then open the registry to add an item in the IE right-click extension, or you can add the following script. [HKEY _ CURRENT _ USER / SETWARE / M ICROSOFT / I NTERNET E Xplorer / M ENU E XT / Add Wallop Font Format] @ = "C: / / P Rogram f Iles / / i NTERNET E Xplorer / / F or W All o p. htm "" contexts "= DWORD: 0 0 0 0 0 0 7 f